Collectibles in Call of Duty: Black Ops III are much more interesting than the traditional “briefcase” variety found in all Call of Duty games since Modern Warfare. These are easier to spot, but there are a lot more of them. When you’re near one, an icon appears on the screen indicating its location. After you’ve grabbed a collectible, it can be viewed in your safe house. Here we reveal one from each of the first 10 missions.
01: Black OPs
NRC Comms Earpiece
After crouching under the ATV, look for a reception desk on the second floor of the building. Walk around to the other side to discover the NRC Comms Earpiece.
02: New World
Model Maglev Train
Find this in the basement on a work shelf below where the robots are pushing the subway car out.
03: In Darkness
Urn With Incense Sticks
The Urn With Incense Sticks Collectible is well-hidden on the right side of this building. You must wade through the river as it winds around the side of the building. Look for a recessed area to jump up on to your left. The collectible is on the ground next to the building.
04: Provocation
Gangsta Bling
Look for this collectible in the first open garage stall on the right when you exit the bar in the level introduction.
05: Hypocenter
54i Data-Pad
Before opening fire on the village, head to the end of the upper arrival path. This area has a lot of jungle. Look for a tent with some crates hidden in the foliage. The Data-Pad is on top of one of the crates there.
06: Vengeance
Damaged Optical Camo Cloak
Before following Hendricks through the opening area, search the alleyways nearby for this collectible. From the start, turn down the left alleyway, make another left, and look for it on the left at the base of a doorway at the end of the alley.
07: Rise & Fall
NRC Helmet
After the interrogation cinematic, search the desk in the room to find the helmet.
08: Demon Within
Shell Casing
This collectible is in a sandbag bunker near the start of the area. Look for the Mobile Armory. There’s a sandbag bunker directly ahead. Search the counter inside for the casing.
09: Sand Castle
You can find this in the first landing area. Before you use the Access Panel, take one flight of stairs down. The postcard is on the desk inside that room.
10: Lotus Towers
Locate the Hamsa collectible inside the first enclosed shop after you disembark the Mobile platform. This shop is on the left. Look for the Hamsa art hanging on the back wall.
Find every collectible, plus detailed maps, expert multiplayer advice, and more with The Call of Duty: Black Ops III official guides.
Published: Nov 6, 2015 02:00 pm