There’s nothing more disappointing than having a next-generation console, but not having enough games that show what the hardware can really do. Thankfully, the PlayStation 4’s launch line-up won’t have to worry about this problem, as 20+ games will be available, most of which have no problem boasting their next-level superiority when it comes to graphics.
Which ones are the best, though? We went through a painstaking process looking at each of the launch games – closely – and have managed to produce a list of ten titles that really take advantage of the PS4 hardware. If you want to see what next-generation gaming is really like, look no further than these selections.
10. Flower
First released on the PlayStation 3 back in 2009, Flower became a huge hit for Sony and thatgamecompany…so why does it deserve mention four years later? That’s easy – because it looks incredible on PS4 hardware. Running at a fluid 60 frames per second and featuring strikingly colorful visuals at every turn, it’s better than ever. Plus, if you bought the PS3 version, you can download it free of charge on your new hardware. Free is good, especially for a game like this.
9. Contrast
Not only does Contrast feature innovative gameplay for fans of puzzle solving and platforming games, but it also has a presentation that’s simply unmatched. Featuring noir visuals that look like they were taken straight from the 1920’s – with a wondrous soundtrack to match – Contrast is a game that’ll take you back in time, all while keeping focus on its next-gen beauty.
8. FIFA 14
Football fans may prefer the gridiron action of Madden NFL 25, but if you really want to see what EA Sports can do with its Ignite technology, pick yourself up a copy of FIFA 14. Featuring startlingly realistic player models, smooth on-field action, a number of camera angles (including behind the net!) and atmospheric presentation that really draws you in to each match, this is a game that truly defines next-generation sports.
Call of Duty: Ghosts looks very good on current-gen consoles, but take it for a spin on PlayStation 4 and you’ll be blown away. Featuring higher-resolution visuals running at 1080p, combined with a 60 frame per second speed, is simply astounding. Plus, the many action-packed scenarios really bring out the most in Infinity Ward’s new engine. The train ride, for example, is a perfect way to see just what it can do.
6. NBA 2K14
You think you’ve seen the best that 2K Sports’ NBA 2K series has to offer? You haven’t seen anything yet. NBA 2K14 takes all the thrilling action of the most current entry of the series, and combines it with visuals that look like they came right out of an NBA highlight reel. We’re not talking plain facial models either – LeBron hasn’t looked this much like LeBron since his last game with the Heat. Plus, the addition of crowd and courtside details really makes you feel like you’re sitting in the Garden – or wherever your favorite team plays. Let’s hit the hoop!
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Even though it was released for current consoles earlier this year, Injustice: Gods Among Us has gotten quite an upgrade for the PlayStation 4. The character models look better than ever, and the backgrounds really blend in with the fighting action – especially when you start throwing things around in the environment at your opponent. Throw in a rock-solid frame rate and plenty of details that fighting and comic book fans alike will appreciate, and you have a game that’s worth buying all over again.
Ever since we caught our first glimpse of it earlier this year, Battlefield 4 has had a spot on our “must play” list. Even though the current-gen versions entertain in their own right, it’s the lavish PlayStation 4 version we can’t wait for. With visuals that go beyond what Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can offer – watching a building topple on this hardware is a sight to behold – and plenty of exciting scenarios, this is one first-person shooter you won’t get enough of.
3. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Indeed, we can’t get enough of Ubisoft’s latest Assassin tale, as it allows us to sail the high seas and live the pirating life. The adventure is that much sweeter on the PlayStation 4, with expanded visuals that bring each island to wonderful life, whether it’s palm trees flailing in the distance or ships crumbling apart from your cannon fire on the high seas. If you’ve been holding out to play with this version of the game, it’ll definitely pay off in spades, matey.
2. Resogun
Housemarque has been quite busy since producing Super Stardust HD for the PlayStation 3. It’s definitely moved in the visual department with its latest game, Resogun, which pays loving tribute to side-scrolling shooters of old while producing mesmerizing 3D graphics. Just using the weapons by themselves is the equivalent to a light show, with bright, colorful explosions flying all over the place and large boss enemies crumbling at the seams as you wail away on them – and this is just in the first level. Wait until you see what the rest of the game has to offer.
If there’s one game that truly defines how the PlayStation 4 brings vivid gaming worlds to life, it has to be Killzone: Shadow Fall. Guerrilla Games has outdone itself since the release of Killzone 3, with even more massive environments than ever before, weapons that really light up the screen when you put them to good use, enemies that fall to your feet in the best way possible, and, best of all, a frame rate that doesn’t drop in the least, even when all hell breaks loose. This is definitely the best-looking game you can get on the PS4.
The PlayStation 4 arrives in stores on November 15th.
Published: Nov 14, 2013 09:24 pm