It’s Friday, which means it’s End of the Week recap time here at Prima Games! If you’re unfamiliar with our End of the Week recaps, they’re a type of feature we publish every Friday as a way to help readers navigate through all of the content posted to the site during the week.
No excess scrolling or searching required. We also have a Staff Chat section at the bottom of our recap where you can get to know the Prima Games team a bit better. And if you use Twitch, we regularly do a Twitch livestream on Fridays starting at 5:30 p.m. (EST) to 6:30 p.m. (EST) over on
With that out of the way, let’s jump in and take a look at all of the content posted to Prima Games during the week of October 4 through October 8!
Prima | End of the Week Recap #50
Notable News
- Rockstar Energy & Halo Infinite Squad Up For New Limited Edition Cans
- Konami Running Indie Games Contest With Classic Properties
- Sony Testing Out Free Game Trials on PS5 in the UK
- PS Now Lineup For October Features The Last of Us Part II
- Kingdom Hearts Trilogy Coming To Nintendo Switch As Cloud Versions
- Kingdom Hearts’ Sora Closes Out the Smash Bros. Ultimate Roster
- Battlefield 2042 Digital Editions Will All Have Free Next-Gen Upgrades
- Fortnitemares 2021 Features Monster Outfits, New Dual Fiend Hunters, and More
- James Bond’s Aston Martin Valhalla Races Into Rocket League October 7
- Xbox and Adidas Collaborate on Xbox 20th Anniversary Sneakers
- Twitch Confirms a Data Breach Has Taken Place (Developing)
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct Will Air October 15
- Valve Shows How to Open the Steam Deck for (Potentially Dangerous) Self-Repair
- Dragon Quest Composer Koichi Sugiyama Dies at 90
- Babylon’s Fall Closed Beta Signups Open Now
- Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City Trailer Sure is Itchy Tasty
- Eidos Montreal Moving to Four-Day Work Week
- Xbox 20 Anniversary Controller & Headset Bring Us Back to A Better Time
- Randy Pitchford Steps Down as President of Gearbox Software
- CD Projekt Red Shows The Witcher 3 Running on Steam Deck
- Destiny 2 Forsaken Campaign & Tangled Shore Location Going Into The Vault
- Must-Play Indie Gem Röki is Coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on October 28
- NBA 2K22 Was The Most Downloaded Game on PS5 and PS4 in September
- Toshihiro Nagoshi Leaving Sega, Masayoshi Yokoyama Becomes RGG Studio Head
Fabulous Features
- Looking Back on Some of Shigeru Miyamoto’s Best Ideas
- Best Books for Anyone that Loves Video Games
- The Best Parts of Final Fantasy XIV are Between Expansions
- The Best Games On Xbox Game Pass
- Kingdom Hearts Cloud Versions on Nintendo Switch Were Unavoidable (Here’s Why)
Gorgeous Guides
- How to Get Azoth in New World
- Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 | Where to Find Dual Fiend Hunters
- Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 | How to Destroy Sideways Rocks
- Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 | How to Launch From a Corruption Vent in The Sideways
Ravishing Reviews
- Alan Wake Remastered Review | Beautiful Light, Mysterious Darkness
- Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Review | Spike Your Expectations
Staff Chat
Thoughts on the 20th anniversary Xbox shoes and translucent controller?
None at all!! Hahaha take that, videogames. For real though, The controller is alright and the shoes are a shade of green I’m not really into. I wish we got those UK-only donuts instead.
How do you feel about Sora being the final Smash Ultimate character?
I’m not super invested in Sora or Kingdom Hearts really, but he makes a lot of sense as part of the roster. That said, his moveset is way more boring-looking than I would’ve expected. He’s like the Dragon Quest Hero but without any notable gimmicks. I think basing him off the first game was super limiting.
Do you think Twitch’s data breach will have an impact on streamer earnings now that people can see how much streamers make?
I doubt it. In general having salary transparency is a really good thing that decades of labor crimes has tried to present as a bad thing. In a workplace, workers sharing their salaries helps people fight being underpaid. But when it comes to ad-based revenue like streamers get I doubt it. Maybe people will “tip” less for some of the biggest channels, but I doubt it.
Thoughts on Eidos Montreal moving to a four-day work week?
I didn’t expect Eidos Montreal to be the tip of the spear for a change like this in AAA developers, but that’s awesome. I hope it works out well and can be spread to everywhere else.
Favorite piece(s) on the site this week, and why?
Morgan’s Alan Wake review. Not trying to blow smoke but every time Morgan reviews a game I get to think about the form in a different way and that’s awesome.
Playing any fun games this weekend?
I made it to Shadbowbringers!!! I can see the finish line in front of me, and it has “Endwalker” written on it. Also probably Metroid Dread, since I just got a hold of that.
Are there any TV, movie, anime, or music recommendations that you’d like to share?
If I didn’t mention Darling in the Franxx last week, I need to bring it up here. It’s a very Evangelion-inspired series, but one that takes its bizarre dystopian fiction in a very different direction. It’s very burting with emotion and interesting characters without, for the most part, getting too far up its own ass.
Bonus question, what video game merchandise do you think companies need to make more of?
I think I’d just like to see more creative designs on normal stuff like shirts, hats etc. Instead of just having Mario screen-printed on a shirt or whatever, some kind of actual design work could make that kind of stuff more appealing.
Jesse is away and will be back on the 18th!
Thoughts on the 20th anniversary Xbox shoes and translucent controller?
I couldn’t see myself wearing them personally, but they do make me feel nostalgic for early 2000s skate style shoes and on that note, I like them. The controller is fantastic, we need to bring back that translucent aesthetic, and I hope this isn’t the last translucent controller from Xbox. They should make translucent an option for Xbox Design Lab honestly.
How do you feel about Sora being the final Smash Ultimate character?
I’m neutral on this. I don’t have the same soft spot for Kingdom Hearts that other people do. For people who love Sora though, I’m very happy for them, it’s exciting news and I like seeing other people get happy over stuff like this.
Do you think Twitch’s data breach will have an impact on streamer earnings now that people can see how much streamers make?
I do, yes. I think people knew deep down that the top streamers were making obscene amounts of money as the top YouTubers also make good money and that information isn’t hard to find or figure out. However, the difference is that with YouTube it’s largely indirect through ad revenue and sponsorships, whereas with Twitch there’s more direct viewer support.
I can see people feeling less inclined to give some of these streamers money now on the grounds of, “They have so much already, and I have so little.”
Thoughts on Eidos Montreal moving to a four-day work week?
I think it’s wonderful, and kind of wish more companies would adopt this, especially as more people transition to working from home. It’ll result in better games, less burnout, and happier and healthier employees.
Favorite piece(s) on the site this week, and why?
The feature from Lucas on the best parts of Final Fantasy XIV, I found it really enlightening!
Playing any fun games this weekend?
Oh good god yes, lol. So this weekend I will be playing Tetris Effect: Connected on Switch, Tetris 99 to get the Monster Hunter Rise theme, Back 4 Blood, and Metroid Dread. I’ll also be watching the matches for the Classic Tetris World Championships on the 9th and 10th. I’m excited about all of it, even though it’s a lot to work through lol.
Are there any TV, movie, anime, or music recommendations that you’d like to share?
So first, I really want to recommend this doc on F.E.A.R. 3 on the Dead Domain YouTube channel because it’s excellent and breaks down everything that went wrong with the game, but also the things that went right. I love the F.E.A.R. series, not just the first game, but all three of them. I hope with more people talking about F.E.A.R. we’ll get closer to seeing a revival of the series.
I’m also going to recommend Monsta X’s Shoot Out even though it’s not new, I just feel like the song is still so good (one of their best) and I’ve been thinking about it nonstop while playing Back 4 Blood.
Bonus question, what video game merchandise do you think companies need to make more of?
I’d really love to see more Kirby merch in general, and any sort of Astro merch for Astro’s Playroom, though I’m biased because of my son.
With that aside, I think it’d be cool to see more video game books come out, ones where the developers can go back and talk about the game’s development, the history of the game, things like that. I want the people who make the games we love to get more love, if that makes sense.
Published: Oct 8, 2021 04:59 pm