E3 2015 Swag Already on eBay

Miss E3? You can buy the best Halo 5, Super Mario Maker and Battletoads freebies right now.
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Miss E3? You can buy the best Halo 5, Super Mario Maker and Battletoads freebies right now.

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One of the best reasons to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo, aside from being able to play hundreds of video games and meet interesting people, is the free swag companies give away. Spend a few hours at the show and you’ll receive t-shirts, action figures, buttons and plenty of other promotional items, most of which is worth owning if you’re a fan of [insert video game title here]. In fact, I’m wearing a Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare t-shirt from E3 2014 right now. So soft!

Most E3 attendees fill up bags of their favorite swag and take it home to share with friends, while others put everything on eBay.  Prices often skyrocket, which only proves how cool some of these things are.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for E3 2015 swag to hit eBay, so if you didn’t make it out to Los Angeles this year, you can still own a piece of the show. With that in mind, here’s a look at some of the favorite giveaways we’ve seen.

Note: Prima Games did not post these items on eBay, nor do we own them.

Skylanders Superchargers – Hot Streak

Activision has a history of giving away E3 exclusive Skylanders toys over the years, and the company continued this trend with the 2015 Exclusive Event Edition for the upcoming Superchargers video game. We don’t know what show goers had to do in order to walk away with the Hot Streak Land Vehicle, but if we had to guess, waiting in line to play is a safe bet.


Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary Button

Nintendo made a huge deal about Mario’s 30th anniversary earlier this week, revealing an 8-bit amiibo that works alongside Super Mario Maker.  Apparently, the publisher also handed out these cool Mario buttons at the booth.  To receive one, you probably had to play Super Mario Maker, or beat someone’s created level.


Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary Gold Pin


Wow, the same exact Mario pin, but gold! None of the current eBay auctions go into detail on how Nintendo gave these out, and to whom. Unlike the above pin, however, you’ll need hundreds of dollars to buy one. We can’t say for sure, but this might be the rarest E3 2015 collectible.


Star Fox Pin

Continuing the theme of pins, Nintendo gave these out to visitors, providing they waited to play Star Fox Zero. Considering the huge lines we’ve seen at the show, anyone who managed to snag a Star Fox pin earned it through sheer will.


Battletoads Foam Fist – Rare Replay

The upcoming Rare Replay compilation features a plethora of games from the developer’s legendary catalogue, including Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and of course, Battletoads, the hardcore retro title starring frog-like humanoids.  We’ve seen other foam hands from Microsoft’s E3 2015 booth, but come on, the Battletoads fist is a must have.


Bethesda Mystery Minis – Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored

There’s a Bethesda pin set making the rounds on eBay in large quantities, but this is by far one of the best items from E3 2015, a set of three vinyl figures from the publisher’s pre E3 press conference, with Doom, Fallout 4 and Dishonored represented in style. If you managed to walk away with one of these, consider yourself an E3 ninja.


Halo 5: Guardians E3 Pin Set and Thumb Drive

You had to wait upwards of an hour to get into the Halo 5: Guardians demo, and if you were one of those patient souls, Microsoft rewarded you with two pins (one of Agent Locke, the other Master Chief) and an 8GB thumb drive that supposedly contains video game content. We’ve seen more of the pins on eBay than the thumb drive, so a.) not everyone received the thumb drive or b.) everyone did, but most fans kept it.


Tom Clancy’s The Division Snowglobe

According to the person hosting the auction, The Division snowglobe was made available to people who managed to get into Microsoft’s Xbox One party in downtown LA, making it impossible to score this item on the show floor.


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