Take on San Andreas with these walkthroughs, videos and strategies. Keep checking back, we’re addding more every day!
Getting Started
Grand Theft Auto 5: Beginners Tips
Now that you’ve got your hands on the game, here are some steps to get you started.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Beginner’s Guide Video
Everything a first-time player needs.
Grand Theft Auto 5: 10 Things You Should Do
We’ve put together a “bucket list” of must-do activities. No excuses.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Evasion Tips
Having trouble losing the cops? Stick with us.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Avoiding The Police
Stay out of jail and give those cops the slip.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Vehicle Guide
Trick out your ride with these helpful tips.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Weapons Guide
Put down the pea shooter and grab heavy artillery.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Activities Guide
Take a break from the missions.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Character Profile: Franklin
A nice guy trying to make an honest living.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Character Profile: Michael
A family man with one heck of a mean streak.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Character Profile: Trevor
Meet the game’s loose cannon.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Blaine County Highlights
Not as cool busy as Los Santos, but worth the trip.
Grand Theft Auto 5’s Best Characters
Heroes, villains and the scum in between.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Shooting Range Walkthrough
Boost your shooting skill with a little help.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Golf Walkthrough
Take a break from murdering people and hit the links.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Tennis Walkthrough
You’ll “Love” it.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Movie Theater
Meet you at the cinema.
Time to go clubbing.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Wanted Level Shootout Rampage
Stress relief, GTA style.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Escaping Police
Watch us give those pesky cops the slip in this exclusive GTA V video.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Mission With Lamar
When good missions go bad.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Vehicle Customization
Pimp your ride.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Triathlon Guide
Put your superior endurance on display.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Hunting Guide
Meet furry critters, then shoot them.
Grand Theft Auto 5: The Jewel Store Heist- The Smart Approach
Steal those precious stones all calm and quiet like.
Grand Theft Auto 5: The Jewel Store Heist- The Loud Approach
Quiet? We’d rather make some noise.
Grand Theft Auto 5: The Merryweather Heist- Freighter Option
Here’s one way to complete this tricky mission.
Grand Theft Auto 5: The Merryweather Heist- Offshore Option
On second thought, perhaps you’ll prefer this way.
Valuable info for pulling off those high stakes jobs.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Complete Guide to Robberies
Steal cash on the side.
Grand Theft Auto 5: Rampage Missions Guide
Go on a killing spree with Trevor.
Cheats, Achievements & Trophies
Get that all important edge in Rockstar Games’ new GTA adventure.
GTA 5 Cheats: Slo Mo Aim Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Spawn Crop Duster Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Spawn Comet Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Explosive Melee Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Lower Wanted Level Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Raise Wanted Level Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Explosive Ammo Video
GTA 5 Cheats: Recharge Ability
Grand Theft Auto 5 Easter Egg: Crashed UFO
Grand Theft Auto 5 Easter Egg: Whale Skeleton
Grand Theft Auto 5 Easter Egg: Ghost Girl
Grand Theft Auto 5 Achievements & Trophies Checklist
A complete trophies and achievements checklist for GTA5
Grand Theft Auto 5 Free Vehicle Modifications Game Exploit
Upgrade any vehicle free-of-charge.
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Published: Oct 4, 2013 2:38 AM UTC