NPCs (or non-player characters) are the lifeblood of open world RPGs and Hogwarts Legacy’s cast of interesting characters are no exception to this rule. The game provides a diverse, multicultural cast of unique personalities for players interact with, and one such individual is Gladwin Moon. Mr. Moon is the Hogwarts caretaker during the events of Hogwarts Legacy, who gives an important side mission that teaches players’ created witches or wizards one of the most useful spells in the entire game. Here is everything you need to know about finding the all-important Gladwin Moon in Hogwarts Legacy.
Where on Earth is Gladwin Moon?

Gladwin Moon will contact your created protagonist during the main story quest “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament.” He can be found near the Grand Staircase.
How to Obtain Alohomora in Hogwarts Legacy

“The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” is an introductory quest that will teach players the spell “Alohomora,” which can be used to unlock doors. Once this mission is completed, a new sidequest entitled “The Man Behind the Moons” will begin, which tasks the protagonist with finding Demiguise statues that a prankster has placed in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the surrounding locations to terrorize the eccentric Caretaker. These “Demiguise Moons” can only be obtained during nighttime and are largely hidden behind locked doors, which can only be opened with Alohomora.
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How to Find Gladwin Moon During “The Man Behind the Moons” Quest

When “The Man Behind the Moons” has been started, Gladwin Moon can be found in the South Wing of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He will remain here for the duration of the quest.
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The fastest way to find Gladwin is via the Faculty Tower Floo Powder Flame, as it is placed just down the hall from where the Caretaker is located.

Bringing Mr. Moon nine Demiguise Moon Statues will level up Alohomora, allowing players to unlock “Level 2 Locks,” while bringing him an additional thirteen of the collectibles will grant players the ability to pick “Level 3 Locks.” While there will still be nine Demiguise statues left to find, once 22 of the collectibles have been obtained cumulatively, “The Man Behind the Moons” quest will be completed, and the culprit will be revealed.
Published: Feb 17, 2023 10:32 PM UTC