People are starting to collect ‘em all in Pokemon Quest, and that means there are plenty of players looking for more information on their Pokemon. One thing people have been looking for are Pokemon Quest movesets. While there’s a lot of detailed information available, Pokemon Quest movesets are a good starting point. In this article we’ll take a look at the Pokemon Quest movesets so you know each moveset for all of the Pokemon in the game.
Pokemon Quest Movesets
The movesets table below lists all of the Pokemon in order by their number. Originally we listed them in alphabetical order, but feedback has shown it’s much easier for people to find the Pokemon they are looking for if we list them in order by number. As you evolve your Pokemon they will gain access to more moves, with some Pokemon having up to 11 moves.
Enjoy the moveset table below. Remember that you can find more information in our Pokemon Quest game hub!
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
1 | Bulbasaur | Tackle | Synthesis | Petal Dance | Vine Whip | Toxic | ||||||
2 | Ivysaur | Tackle | Synthesis | Petal Dance | Vine Whip | Toxic | Take Down | Leech Seed | Poison Powder | |||
3 | Venusaur | Tackle | Synthesis | Petal Dance | Vine Whip | Toxic | Take Down | Leech Seed | Solar Beam | Mega Drain | ||
4 | Charmander | Scratch | Fire Spin | Metal Claw | Ember | Fire Punch | ||||||
5 | Charmeleon | Scratch | Fire Spin | Metal Claw | Ember | Fire Punch | Flamethrower | Dragon Claw | ||||
6 | Charizard | Scratch | Fire Spin | Metal Claw | Ember | Fire Punch | Flamethrower | Dragon Claw | Flare Blitz | Fire Blast | Flame Charge | |
7 | Squirtle | Tackle | Bubble | Whirlpool | Withdraw | |||||||
8 | Wartortle | Tackle | Bubble | Whirlpool | Surf | Aqua Ring | Blizzard | Waterfall | Aqua jet | |||
9 | Blastoise | Tackle | Bubble | Whirlpool | Withdraw | Aqua Ring | Blizzard | Waterfall | Hydro Pump | Aqua Jet |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
10 | Caterpie | Tackle | Synthesis | String Shot | Take Down | Lunge | ||||||
11 | Metapod | Tackle | Synthesis | String Shot | Take Down | Iron Defense | ||||||
12 | Butterfree | Tackle | Synthesis | String Shot | Silver Wind | Rage Powder | Harden | Electroweb | Lunge | |||
13 | Weedle | String Shot | Tackle | Lunge | Poison Sting | |||||||
14 | Kakuna | String Shot | Tackle | Harden | Iron Defense | |||||||
15 | Beedrill | String Shot | Tackle | Lunge | Poison Sting | Harden | Electroweb | Pin Missile | Iron Defense | Agility | Aerial Ace | |
16 | Pidgey | Gust | Whirlwind | Tailwind | Twister | Mud-Slap | ||||||
17 | Pidgeotto | Gust | Whirlwind | Tailwind | Twister | Mud-Slap | Hurricane | |||||
18 | Pidgeot | Gust | Sky Attack | Tailwind | Twister | Heat Wave | Agility | Roost | ||||
19 | Rattata | Tackle | Focus Energy | Scratch | Crunch | Take Down | ||||||
20 | Raticate | Tackle | Focus Energy | Scratch | Crunch | Iron Tail | Zen Headbutt | Flame Wheel |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
21 | Spearow | Leer | Take Down | Aerial Ace | Fly | Growl | ||||||
22 | Fearow | Leer | Take Down | Aerial Ace | Fly | Drill Peck | Whirlwind | |||||
23 | Ekans | Poison Sting | Leer | Rock Tomb | Mud Bomb | Mud-Slap | Dig | |||||
24 | Arbok | Poison Sting | Leer | Rock Tomb | Earthquake | Crunch | ||||||
25 | Pikachu | Thunderbolt | Spark | Iron Tail | Volt Tackle | Thunder Shock | Surf | |||||
26 | Raichu | Thunderbolt | Spark | Iron Tail | Volt Tackle | Thunder | Electric Terrain | Agility | Charge | Giga Impact | ||
27 | Sandshrew | Dig | Sandstorm | Scratch | Metal Claw | Rollout | ||||||
28 | Sandslash | Dig | Sandstorm | Scratch | Metal Claw | Night Slash | Aerial Ace | Swords Dance | Fury Swipes | |||
29 | Nidoran | Mud-Slap | Focus Energy | Flatter | Growl | Sing | ||||||
30 | Nidorina | Mud-Slap | Focus Energy | Flatter | Growl | Poison Sting | ||||||
31 | Nidoqueen | Mud-Slap | Focus Energy | Flatter | Growl | Poison Sting | Supersonic | Venom Drench | Sludge Bomb | Stealth Rock | ||
32 | Nidoran | Iron Tail | Rock Smash | Toxic | Take Down | Work Up | Growl | |||||
33 | Nidorino | Iron Tail | Rock Smash | Toxic | Amnesia | |||||||
34 | Nidoking | Iron Tail | Rock Smash | Toxic | Amnesia | Taunt | Earthquake | Rock Tomb | Megahorn |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
35 | Clefairy | Flash | Light Screen | Rollout | Taunt | Amnesia | Take Down | |||||
36 | Clefable | Flash | Light Screen | Dazzling Gleam | Stealth Rock | Follow Me | Belly Drum | |||||
37 | Vulpix | Flamethrower | Charm | Flame Charge | Ember | Roar | ||||||
38 | Ninetales | Flamethrower | Charm | Flame Charge | Ember | Roar | Heat Wave | Will-o-Wisp | Fire Blast | Solar Beam | Confuse Ray | |
39 | Jigglypuff | Mega Punch | Rollout | Take Down | Flash | Sing | ||||||
40 | Wigglytuff | Mega Punch | Rollout | Play Rough | Dynamic Punch | Bounce | Sweet Kiss | |||||
41 | Zubat | Taunt | Leech Life | Gust | Whirlwind | Supersonic | U-Turn | |||||
42 | Golbat | Taunt | Leech Life | Gust | Whirlwind | Supersonic | Roost | Tailwind | Venom Drench | Nasty Plot | Sludge Bomb | |
43 | Oddish | Petal Dance | Flash | Poison Powder | Stun Spore | |||||||
44 | Gloom | Petal Dance | Flash | Poison Powder | Bullet Seed | Charm | Stun Spore | Synthesis | ||||
45 | Vileplume | Petal Dance | Flash | Poison Powder | Bullet Seed | Charm | Solar Beam | Mega Drain |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
46 | Paras | Leech Seed | Stun Spore | Poison Powder | Light Screen | Rage Powder | ||||||
47 | Parasect | Leech Seed | Stun Spore | Poison Powder | Light Screen | Rage Powder | Agility | Metal Claw | Bullet Seed | Spore | Psybeam | |
48 | Venonat | String Shot | Stun Spore | Psybeam | Poison Powder | Flash | ||||||
49 | Venomoth | String Shot | Stun Spore | Psybeam | Poison Powder | Gust | Supersonic | Psychic | Silver Wind | |||
50 | Diglett | Growl | Stealth Rock | Mud Bomb | Dig | Mud-Slap | ||||||
51 | Dugtrio | Growl | Stealth Rock | Mud Bomb | Dig | Mud-Slap | Earthquake | Sucker Punch | Rock throw | Shore Up | ||
52 | Meowth | Fury Swipes | Growl | Scratch | U-turn | Taunt | ||||||
53 | Persian | Fury Swipes | Growl | Scratch | U-turn | Taunt | Nasty Plot | Night Slash | Play Rough | Roar | Flail | |
54 | Psyduck | Icy Wind | Whirlpool | Amnesia | Confuse Ray | Light Screen | ||||||
55 | Golduck | Icy Wind | Mud Bomb | Amnesia | Confuse Ray | Light Screen | Psychic | Hydro Pump | Psybeam | Ice Beam |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
56 | Mankey | Leer | Submission | Scratch | Fury Swipes | Taunt | ||||||
57 | Primeape | Leer | Submission | Scratch | Fury Swipes | Taunt | Cross Chop | Night Slash | Meditate | Close Combat | Focus Energy | Mega Punch |
58 | Growlithe | Flamethrower | Flame Charge | Ember | Flame Wheel | Roar | ||||||
59 | Arcanine | Flamethrower | Flame Charge | Ember | Flame Wheel | Roar | Fire Blast | Flare Blitz | Crunch | Agility | Extreme Speed | |
60 | Poliwag | Surf | Waterfall | Flail | Bubble | Aqua Jet | ||||||
61 | Poliwhirl | Surf | Waterfall | Flail | Bubble | Amnesia | Bulk Up | Mega Punch | ||||
62 | Poliwrath | Surf | Waterfall | Flail | Bubble | Amnesia | Bulk Up | Mega Punch | Ice Punch | Power-Up Punch | Dynamic Punch | |
63 | Abra | Teleport | Psybeam | Light Screen | Flash | Barrier | ||||||
64 | Kadabra | Teleport | Psybeam | Light Screen | Flash | Barrier | Psychic | Dazzling Gleam | ||||
65 | Alakazam | Teleport | Psybeam | Light Screen | Flash | Barrier | Psychic | Dazzling Gleam | Psycho Cut | Recover | Shadow Ball |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
66 | Machop | Rock Smash | Rolling Kick | Bulk Up | Submission | |||||||
67 | Machoke | Rock Smash | Rolling Kick | Bulk Up | Submission | Work Up | Mega Punch | Cross-Chop | ||||
68 | Machamp | Rock Smash | Rolling Kick | Bulk Up | Cross-Chop | Work Up | Mega Punch | Power-Up Punch | Dynamic Punch | Close Combat | ||
69 | Bellsprout | Sludge Bomb | Bullet Seed | Razor Leaf | Synthesis | |||||||
70 | Weepinbell | Sludge Bomb | Bullet Seed | Razor Leaf | Synthesis | Stun Spore | Slam | Vine Whip | ||||
71 | Victreebel | Sludge Bomb | Bullet Seed | Vine Whip | Synthesis | Stun Spore | Solar Beam | Hyper Beam | ||||
72 | Tentacool | Poison Sting | Whirlpool | Barrier | Bubble | Ice Beam | Sludge Bomb | |||||
73 | Tentacruel | Poison Sting | Whirlpool | Barrier | Bubble | Icy Wind | Sludge Bomb | Supersonic | Hydro Pump | Confuse Ray | ||
74 | Geodude | Flail | Harden | Tackle | Charge | Dig | ||||||
75 | Graveler | Flail | Harden | Tackle | Self-Destruct | Dig | Rollout | Stealth Rock | ||||
76 | Golem | Flail | Harden | Explosion | Self-Destruct | Dig | Rollout | Stealth Rock | Rock Polish | Earthquake |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
77 | Ponyta | Bounce | Flame Charge | Stomp | Self-Destruct | Agility | ||||||
78 | Rapidash | Bounce | Flame Charge | Stomp | Self-Destruct | Flamethrower | Fire Blast | Flare Blitz | Megahorn | Will-O-Wisp | Confuse Ray | Fire Spin |
79 | Slowpoke | Tackle | Zen Headbutt | Growl | Ice Punch | Light Screen | Amnesia | |||||
80 | Slowbro | Tackle | Zen Headbutt | Growl | Ice Punch | Light Screen | Amnesia | Withdraw | Surf | Rest | Belly Drum | |
81 | Magnemite | Charge | Flash Cannon | Supersonic | Metal Sound | Electroweb | ||||||
82 | Magneton | Charge | Flash Cannon | Supersonic | Metal Sound | Electroweb | Explosion | Light screen | Thunder | Thunderbolt | Electric Terrain | |
83 | Farfetch’d | Swords Dance | Night Slash | Sky Attack | Sucker Punch | Gust | Tailwind | Steel Wing | U-turn | Roost | Heat Wave | |
84 | Doduo | Drill Peck | Flail | Growl | Take Down | Agility | ||||||
85 | Dodrio | Drill Peck | Flail | Growl | Take Down | Aerial Ace | Work Up | Swords Dance | Tri Attack | Tailwind | ||
86 | Seel | Take Down | Blizzard | Lick | Growl | Surf | ||||||
87 | Dewgong | Take Down | Blizzard | Lick | Growl | Rest | Aqua Ring | Slam | Aurora Veil |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
88 | Grimer | Venom Drench | Slam | Tackle | Acid Armor | Toxic | ||||||
89 | Muk | Venom Drench | Slam | Tackle | Acid Armor | Power-Up Punch | Taunt | Lick | ||||
90 | Shellder | Barrier | Ice Beam | Withdraw | Iron Defense | Bubble | ||||||
91 | Cloyster | Barrier | Ice Beam | Withdraw | Icy Wind | Supersonic | Rock Blast | Spikes | Icicle Crash | |||
92 | Gastly | Astonish | Sucker Punch | Smog | Lick | |||||||
93 | Haunter | Astonish | Sucker Punch | Smog | Lick | |||||||
94 | Gengar | Astonish | Sucker Punch | Smog | Lick | Shadow Ball | Hypnosis | Mega Drain | Confuse Ray | Toxic | ||
95 | Onix | Rock Throw | Lick | Rock Polish | Stealth Rock | Sandstorm | Iron Tail | Flash Cannon | Rock Smash | Rock Tomb | Roar | Harden |
96 | Drowzee | Psybeam | Barrier | Taunt | Light Screen | Flash | ||||||
97 | Hypno | Psybeam | Barrier | Taunt | Light Screen | Psychic | Shadow Ball | Hypnosis | Meditate | |||
98 | Krabby | Surf | Leer | Harden | Flail | Stomp | ||||||
99 | Kingler | Surf | Leer | Harden | Flail | Stomp | Giga Impact | Slam |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
100 | Voltorb | Self-Destruct | Rollout | Taunt | Thunder Shock | Tackle | ||||||
101 | Electrode | Self-Destruct | Rollout | Taunt | Thunder Shock | Tackle | Light Screen | Explosion | Thunderbolt | |||
102 | Exeggcute | Synthesis | Leech Seed | Psychic | Sludge Bomb | Flash | ||||||
103 | Exeggutor | Synthesis | Leech Seed | Psychic | Sludge Bomb | Flash | Egg Bomb | Bullet Seed | Solar Beam | Stun Spore | Stomp | |
104 | Cubone | Sandstorm | Bonemerang | Growl | Leer | Focus Energy | ||||||
105 | Marowak | Sandstorm | Bonemerang | Outrage | Rock Tomb | Earthquake | Aerial Ace | Belly Drum | ||||
106 | Hitmonlee | Bulk Up | Meditate | Close Combat | Rolling Kick | Submission | Focus Energy | Rock Smash | Bounce | High Jump Kick | Sucker Punch | |
107 | Hitmonchan | Comet Punch | Power-Up Punch | Close Combat | Drain Punch | Ice Punch | Dynamic Punch | Fire Punch | Rock Smash | Mega Punch | Thunder Punch | |
108 | Lickitung | Belly Drum | Slam | Rock Smash | Mega Punch | Stomp | Rollout | Lick | Power-Up Punch | Amnesia | ||
109 | Koffing | Self-Destruct | Flamethrower | Smog | Lava Plume | Sludge Bomb | ||||||
110 | Weezing | Self-Destruct | Flamethrower | Smog | Lava Plume | Sludge Bomb | Explosion | Venom Drench |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
111 | Rhyhorn | Crunch | Roar | Stomp | Iron Tail | Take Down | Flail | Tackle | ||||
112 | Rhydon | Crunch | Roar | Stomp | Iron Tail | Take Down | Dragon Rush | Megahorn | Earthquake | Rock Smash | Rock Polish | |
113 | Chansey | Egg bomb | Light Screen | Sweet Kiss | Soft-Boiled | Charm | Mega Punch | Rock Smash | Flail | Sing | Take Down | |
114 | Tangela | Stun Spore | Rest | Rage Powder | Synthesis | Amnesia | Slam | Vine Whip | Mega Drain | Substitute | Leech Seed | |
115 | Kangaskhan | Focus Energy | Take Down | Outrage | Mega Punch | Crunch | Rock Tomb | Stomp | Leer | Rest | Power-Up Punch | |
116 | Horsea | Twister | Icy Wind | Agility | Whirlpool | Bubble | ||||||
117 | Seadra | Twister | Icy Wind | Agility | Whirlpool | Bubble | Hydro Pump | Dragon Pulse | Dragon Dance | Flash Cannon | ||
118 | Goldeen | Flail | Surf | Aqua Jet | Splash | Take Down | ||||||
119 | Seaking | Flail | Surf | Aqua Jet | Megahorn | Waterfall | Agility | |||||
120 | Staryu | Ice Beam | Icy Wind | Twister | Flash Cannon | Flash | ||||||
121 | Starmie | Ice Beam | Icy Wind | Twister | Flash Cannon | Flash | Hydro Pump | Confuse Ray | Blizzard | Psychic | Hyper Beam |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
122 | Mr. Mime | Substitute | Follow Me | Nasty Plot | Charm | Hypnosis | Taunt | Barrier | Psychic | Light Screen | Meditate | |
123 | Scyther | Lunge | Tailwind | Silver wind | Steel Wing | Night Slash | Agility | U-turn | Aerial Ace | Rock Smash | Swords Dance | |
124 | Jynx | Sing | Ice beam | Psychic | Draining Kiss | Flash | Blizzard | Aurora Veil | ||||
125 | Electabuzz | Thunder Shock | Charge | Meditate | Power-Up Punch | Dynamic Punch | Thunder Punch | Cross Chop | Thunder | Electroweb | Thunderbolt | |
126 | Magmar | Will-O-Wisp | Fire Blast | Cross Chop | Flamethrower | Smog | Belly Drum | Follow Me | Flare Blitz | |||
127 | Pinsir | Earthquake | Harden | Take Down | Bulk Up | Close Combat | Rock Smash | Focus Energy | Submission | Rock Tomb | ||
128 | Tauros | Take down | Hyper beam | Blizzard | Flamethrower | Zen Headbutt | Outrage | Iron Tail | Giga Impact | |||
129 | Magikarp | Bounce | Flail | Tackle | Splash | |||||||
130 | Gyarados | Bounce | Flail | Tackle | Splash | Crunch | Taunt | Outrage | Hyper Beam | Waterfall | Dragon Dance | |
131 | Lapras | Aqua Ring | Icy Wind | Ice Beam | Blizzard | Hydro Pump | Aurora Veil | Growl | Rest | Icicle Crash | Sing | |
132 | Ditto | Transform | Transform |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
133 | Eevee | Take Down | Dig | Charm | Flail | Growl | ||||||
134 | Vaporeon | Take Down | Dig | Charm | Waterfall | Acid Armor | Aqua Ring | Hydro Pump | Whirlpool | |||
135 | Jolteon | Take Down | Dig | Charm | Thunderbolt | Spark | Pin Missile | Thunder | ||||
136 | Flareon | Take Down | Dig | Charm | Ember | Flamethrower | Flare Blitz | Lava Plume | ||||
137 | Porygon | Recover | Agility | Hyper Beam | Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Iron Tail | Ice Beam | Tri Attack | Flamethrower | Psybeam | |
138 | Omanyte | Bubble | Hydro Pump | Whirlpool | Icy Wind | Spikes | Withdraw | |||||
139 | Omastar | Bubble | Hydro Pump | Whirlpool | Ice Beam | Rock Polish | Supersonic | |||||
140 | Kabuto | Withdraw | Rock Tomb | Waterfall | Aqua Jet | Metal Sound | Surf | |||||
141 | Kabutops | Withdraw | Rock Tomb | Waterfall | Aerial Ace | Night Slash | ||||||
142 | Aerodactyl | Earthquake | Dragon Claw | Take Down | Roost | Crunch | Fly | Sandstorm | Sky Attack | Agility | Rock Tomb |
Pokemon | Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | Move 5 | Move 6 | Move 7 | Move 8 | Move 9 | Move 10 | Move 11 | |
143 | Snorlax | Play Rough | Giga Impact | Outrage | Rest | Take Down | Rollout | Earthquake | Belly Drum | Mega Punch | Harden | Amnesia |
144 | Articuno | Sky Attack | Agility | Blizzard | Steel Wing | Icy Wind | U-turn | Hurricane | Aurora Veil | Roost | Ice Beam | |
145 | Zapdos | Thunder Shock | Drill Peck | Agility | Thunder | Charge | Metal Sound | Sky Attack | Roost | Thunderbolt | Light Screen | |
146 | Moltres | Ember | Sky Attack | Fire Spin | Leer | Lava Plume | Fire Blast | Flamethrower | Will-O-Wisp | Heat Wave | Roost | |
147 | Dratini | Dragon Dance | Dragon Pulse | Agility | Dragon Rush | Extreme Speed | ||||||
148 | Dragonair | Dragon Dance | Dragon Pulse | Agility | Dragon Rush | Extreme Speed | Earthquake | Twister | ||||
149 | Dragonite | Dragon Dance | Dragon Pulse | Agility | Dragon Rush | Extreme Speed | Earthquake | Twister | Draco Meteor | Outrage | Hyper Beam | |
150 | Mewtwo | Hyper Beam | Giga Impact | Psychic | Recover | Thunderbolt | Bulk up | Blizzard | Shadow Ball | Psystrike | Psycho Cut | |
151 | Mew | Hyper Beam | Giga Impact | Psychic | Recover | Thunder | Amnesia | Heat Wave | Flash Cannon | Tri Attack | Teleport | Light Screen |
Published: Jul 7, 2018 7:10 AM UTC