Once you understand the basics of Pokemon Quest, you’re going to want to start luring specific Pokemon to your base camp. One of the most frequent requests we’ve seen is for the Pokemon Quest fighting type recipe, which is the Get Swole Syrup a la Cube recipe in Pokemon Quest. Don’t worry, today we’re going to cover what ingredients to use for a fighting type recipe in Pokemon Quest. This will help you attract Machop, Hitmonlee and more!
Pokemon Quest Fighting Type Recipe
- Get Swole Syrup a la Cube
In order to attract fighting type Pokemon you’re going to want to make Get Swole Syrup a la Cube. You can find the recipes below, alongside the fighting type Pokemon you’ll attract. In general, when you make Get Swole Syrup a la Cube, you’ll get Machop, Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan. Machop is by far the most frequent Pokemon you’ll see when you make Get Swole Syrup a la Cube, but if you use the “very good” recipe you’ll have a better shot at Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan (although Machop still comes around more often).
Get Swole Syrup a la Cube Recipes
- Good: Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1), Tiny Mushroom (2)
- Good: Balm Mushroom (1), Bluk Berry (2), Honey (1), Tiny Mushroom (1)
- Good: Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (2)
- Very Good: Balm Mushroom (1), Bluk Berry (1), Honey (2), Tiny Mushroom (1)
If you’re looking for more dishes you can make, you’ll find that and much more in our Pokemon Quest game hub!
Published: Jul 6, 2018 6:48 AM UTC