The Last Guardian has finally arrived, and now that players everywhere are beginning their journey with the boy and Trico, we wanted to take a moment and go over a couple of really important tips for players diving in to The Last Guardian. In this article, we’ll go over each of Trico’s reactions, as well as teach you how to give commands to the massive beast.
Understanding Trico’s Reactions
Throughout your time with The Last Guardian, you might notice that Trico seems to react differently to certain things. For one, his eyes often change colors, leaving you to wonder what’s going on inside that big ole head of his. Other times he’ll make whining noises or even grunt, as if trying to communicate with the boy in some shape or fashion. All of these are his reactions, and while they may seem random and unimportant, each reaction has a meaning, and is of great importance to players who wish to succeed in their journey.
Let’s start with Trico’s eyes. Some people say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and for Trico, that just might be the case. Pay careful attention to those massive black orbs as you continue on your journey. Oftentimes it’s the only warning you’ll have of Trico’s demeanor. Luckily, there aren’t that many changes to be made in this area, as Trico’s eyes can only change into three different states.
When his eyes are dark, black orbs, Trico is happy. He’s affectionate, caring and all around normal. However, if his eyes turn to white or yellow, then Trico is distracted or mesmerized by something. This can range from things that cause fear, like the stained glass eyes that you encounter along the way. If Trico turns hostile, however, his eyes will turn pink, illuminating the hate or fear within his body. This happens at different times throughout the game, and is most notably seen when dealing with the magical enemies that block your way.
Trico will also make various sounds depending on the situation. If the boy gets too far away, the great beast will whine like a puppy left at home. If Trico is ready to take the boy somewhere, like jumping up to the next area of a puzzle, he will grunt or howl in an attempt to get the boy’s attention. Likewise, Trico will also whine if you give him a command and he is unable to complete it.
How to Give Trico Commands
Commanding Trico isn’t an ability you unlock until later in the game. But once you unlock the ability, and your bond with the beast grows to that level, it will become increasingly important to helping you complete your journey. We broke down a list of the commands that you can give out below.
Tap R1 to Call Trico to your location.
Hold R1 while pressing the individual buttons on the controller to issue additional commands.
- R1 + X – Sit/Scold
- R1 + O – Stand/Praise
- R1 + Triangle – Jump/Stomp
- R1 + Square – Swipe/Attack
To make Trico move in a specific direction, press and hold R1 while pressing the Left Thumbstick in any direction.
Along your journey, the boy and Trico will encounter various obstacles. Things like gates and even enemies will block your way. Sometimes, after dealing with enemies, Trico will become upset. To calm him down, you will need to climb atop its back and stroke its neck by pressing O on the controller. This will calm the beast, allowing you to once more command your ally.
Learn more about Trico and his companion by heading to our The Last Guardian guide. You can also get started on the game’s story by visiting our The Last Guardian walkthrough.
Published: Dec 6, 2016 6:49 AM UTC