Cat Quest III takes our feline adventurer to the seas on a pirate adventure with bounties to collect and quests to finish. It also has tons of puzzles scattered around the entire map, and you’ll often run into blue rocks placed together that need to be struck in a specific order for some loot. Here is how you can solve the Cat Quest III blue rocks puzzle early on in the game.
Cat Quest III Blue Rocks Puzzle on Long Island
Long Island is one of the early islands you can explore, and it has its unique blue rock puzzle to solve as well. The solution is quite simple; you need to strike the rocks in the order of the amount of pebbles placed next to each blue rock. Here is the correct order you need to hit them in:
After you’re done, you will receive the Magical Punching Bag for solving the puzzle, which is a trinket that allows you to regain mana whenever you’re hit. This is especially useful if you plan on making a spell-focused build, which is generally pretty overpowered in Cat Quest III.
This is one of the many puzzles in Cat Quest III involving the blue rocks, but you should now have an idea of what to look for when solving these. At times, you’ll have to interact with NPCs to get a clue, but since this puzzle is an early one, only your observational skills are tested. If this is the first puzzle you solve, you’ll earn the Purrzzler achievement. If you solve all 12 puzzles in the game, you’ll earn the Purroblem Solver achievement as well.
If you’re looking to collect all the gear in Cat Quest III, including the prized Bird Poop trinket, you need to solve this puzzle regardless, which will eventually unlock the Armeowry Furshionista achievement.
Published: Aug 13, 2024 4:41 PM UTC