Now that players have had time to really get into Pokemon Quest, they’re starting to ask how to get specific Pokemon. One question we’ve seen come up a lot lately is how to get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Quest. You can get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Quest by making certain dishes. In this article we’ll cover all the ways you can get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Quest and add him to your squad.
How to Get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Quest
- Sludge Soup
- Veggie Smoothie
- Yellow Curry
- Mulligan Stew
There are four different dishes you can make that have a chance of attracting Bulbasaur to your base camp. Sludge Soup has the highest chance of attracting Bulbasaur, followed by Veggie Smoothie, then Yellow Curry, and finally Mulligan Stew. The higher the quality of the dish, the more likely it is you’ll get Bulbasaur. For example, if you make the special recipe version of Sludge Soup, you have more than a 50 percent chance of getting Bulbasaur, but if you make the base version of the dish, you only have a 1 percent chance.
You’ll find the best recipes for each of the dishes below. Using these recipes will give you the highest chance of getting a Bulbasaur, but remember that your odds are best if you make Sludge Soup.
Sludge Soup
- Special: Balm Mushroom (3), Rainbow Matter (1), Tiny Mushroom (1)
- Very Good: Balm Mushroom (3), Tiny Mushroom (2)
- Very Good: Balm Mushroom (2), Tiny Mushroom (2), Big Root (1)
- Very Good: Balm Mushroom (2), Tiny Mushroom (2), Honey (1)
- Very Good: Balm Mushroom (2), Tiny Mushroom (2), Icy Rock (1)
Veggie Smoothie
- Very Good: Big Root (3), Apricorn (2)
- Very Good: Big Root (3), Apricorn (1), Bluk Berry (1)
- Very Good: Big Root (3), Apricorn (1), Fossil (1)
- Very Good: Big Root (2), Apricorn (2), Balm Mushroom (1)
- Very Good: Big Root (2), Apricorn (2), Honey (1)
- Very Good: Big Root (2), Apricorn (2), Icy Rock (1)
Yellow Curry
- Special: Honey (4), Big Root (1)
- Special: Honey (4), Balm Mushroom (1)
- Special: Honey (4), Honey (1)
- Special: Honey (4), Icy Rock (1)
- Very Good: Apricorn (2), Honey (3)
- Very Good: Apricorn (1), Honey (3), Bluk Berry (1)
- Very Good: Apricorn (1), Honey (3), Fossil (1)
- Very Good: Apricorn (1), Honey (3), Tiny Mushroom (1)
Mulligan Stew
- Special: Rainbow Matter (5)
- Special: Big Root (5)
- Special: Balm Mushroom (5)
- Special: Honey (5)
- Special: Icy Rock (5)
- Very Good: Apricorn (2), Balm Mushroom (3)
- Very Good: Apricorn (2), Big Root (3)
- Very Good: Apricorn (2), Honey (3)
- Very Good: Apricorn (2), Icy Rock (3)
- Very Good: Bluk Berry (2), Balm Mushroom (3)
- Very Good: Bluk Berry (2), Big Root (3)
- Very Good: Bluk Berry (2), Honey (3)
- Very Good: Bluk Berry (2), Icy Rock (3)
- Very Good: Tiny Mushroom (2), Balm Mushroom (3)
- Very Good: Tiny Mushroom (2), Big Root (3)
- Very Good: Tiny Mushroom (2), Honey (3)
- Very Good: Tiny Mushroom (2), Icy Rock (3)
For a list of all the dishes you can make, be sure to check out our Pokemon Quest game hub!
Published: Jul 11, 2018 8:55 AM UTC