One of the first things you’ll get in Starfield is your very own room in the Lodge. And… that’s nice, right? It’s a well-decorated bedroom with a storage crate and a bed, at least. But if you want to add a little personal flair to your abode, you’re going to need a house. Here’s how to get a house in Starfield.
Starfield: How to Buy or Get a House
Getting a house in Starfield is actually pretty easy. And, in some cases, affordable. But it’s true what they say: you get what you pay for. Your two options are to purchase a house or earn it.
One of the easiest places you can purchase a house is on Neon. Neon is a city you’ll quickly encounter during your main quest or when you’re completing side quests, and it’s defined by its harsh juxtaposition of grime and color, the rich and poor. And there are two options for accommodation here that perfectly represent that.
The first is the Sleepcrate, which can be purchased for a mere 6,500 Credits at Ebbside. A Sleepcrate is one of the most affordable accommodations in the game, but it’s also one of the smallest. Because, you guessed it, it’s a crate with barely enough room for a bed.

See above my collection of stolen plushies in my Neon Penthouse.
Alternatively, you can go for the big money purchase and spend 235,000 on a penthouse suite on top of the Astral Lounge. This is much bigger than the Sleepcrate, but it’s essentially still a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Like a very nice studio.
Related: How to Hide Your Spacesuit in Starfield
The second option is to earn it. The easiest and best option for this is by completing missions in the Untied Colonies faction quest. Doing this will grant you citizenship in New Atlantis. Citizenship will allow you to purchase an apartment in The Wells. This is a step up from Neon’s Sleepcrate. But I recommend saving your credits for now.
That’s because if you finish the United Colonies’ quest completely, you’ll get a free penthouse. And it is significantly better than the one on Neon. It has two balconies, two bedrooms, an office space, and two bathrooms. It’s massive, is what I’m saying. And the United Colonies’ questline is fantastic and very easy to complete early on.
Once you get your house, you’ll want to decorate it. But decorating it with your bought (or stolen) goods isn’t necessarily intuitive. Still, it’s the best way to inject some of your personality.
Published: Aug 31, 2023 08:23 pm