Bloons Card Storm has an intricate crafting system because of all the icons and premium currency combined with various Bloons heroes available in the game. While all these icons might confuse a new player, the crafting system is as simple as most digital card collectible games out on the market. Here’s how to craft cards and all the token systems explained in Bloons Card Storm.
How to Craft Specific Cards in Bloons Card Storm
Bloons Card Storm offers a big library of cards, most of which vary from familiar monkey towers to bloons from their past titles. You can see them all on the collection page, accessed through the main menu. To craft cards, hover and select the card you want to craft and press the tokens button on the lower-right corner of your screen. Ensure you have the “Show Uncrafted” active, shown below your money and Universal Tokens. This ensures that you see all the cards in the collection, including cards you have and don’t have.
Several card types are available, and it is a bit weird how they structured the rarities of their cards, as there are different emblems or icons under each card. However, the rarity and their crafting costs are actually as simple as:
- Common – 300
- Uncommon – 800
- Rare – 1500
- Epic – 3500
- Legendary – 15000
Each card will have a value below them, which will be their crafting value. You must earn a specific type of token to craft a card. The token types are as follows:
- Basic, Advanced, and Large Bloon Tokens
- Basic, Advanced, and Exotic Power Tokens
- Military Monkey Token
- Support Monkey Token
- Primary Monkey Token
- Magic Monkey Token
- Universal Tokens
With all these token types, many players feel that it is to pay-to-win because it is almost guaranteed that you cannot get the rarest cards by playing for free. The amount of luck needed to get the specific token multiple times to craft what you need has a near 0 chance. You might be forced to spend on buying Universal Tokens to get the remaining tokens to buy a specific card.
How to Earn Tokens in Bloons Card Storm
If you do decide to play for free, here’s the system you are looking at to start gathering tokens to craft your favorite cards.
- You want to do all the daily and weekly quests and keep as much cash as possible.
- Look at the daily deals store and buy the specific token you want if they appear (use in-game cash).
- Try to rush out Feats or Milestones to gain more cash and some tokens.
- Repeat the process until you get enough tokens to craft your card and maybe finish crafting your planned deck.
This process may take a few weeks, but some may even take months to finish their decks if they have multiple legendary or exotic cards needed for their deck.
Published: Oct 31, 2024 5:45 PM UTC