The Division – All Weapon and Gear Vendors, Safe Houses

Here's where you need to go if you're in the mood to shop.
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

This article covers the locations of all weapon vendors, gear vendors and safe houses in The Division. If you need to find a place to lay low in Tom Clancy’s The Division, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Just remember to keep this in mind when it comes to purchasing items. You’ll want to get leveled up properly first, probably around level 30 or so by completing many missions within the game. That way, when you buy something at, say, level 24, you may be missing out at what’s offered for level 25 or even 30. By waiting a bit, you’ll see new gear open up, which will essentially do you better.

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Camp Hudson

Here, you’ll find two vendors, one with gear and one with weapons. These are the two guys you’ll go to first, with others opening up as the game goes on. Until you level up, they’ll be your main go-to guys.

Pennsylvania Plaza: The Post Office

Going back to your Base of Operations, you’ll find Weapons and Gear vendors, along with Mods if you want to equip tools for your weapon. You can also upgrade the Base and get access to a Dark Zone Gear Vendor, Appearance Vendor and Rewards Claim Vendor, in case you have any promotional goods to unlock.

Hudson Yards: Kerman Station

You’ll find this to the west side of your Base of Operations, in the Hudson Yards, with the Safe House resembling what appears to be a run-down cafeteria. Inside, you’ll find a Weapons vendor.

Garment District: The Cavern

Head to the Garment District and you’ll find the Cavern, just to the northeast side of your Base of Operations. Inside, you’ll find a Gear vendor.

Hell’s Kitchen: Dante’s Run

Here’s another safe house you can find, which looks like a run-down basement, but still provides some safety. The Gear Vendor here has some stuff that should make your day.

Clinton: Wolves Den

This resembles an old gymnasium as part of a school, so it should look familiar to you student types. There’s a Weapons vendor located here, right up by the basketball net.

Times Square: Autumn’s Hope

This is one of the more lavish Safe Houses featured in The Division, with plenty of base-building opportunities. You’ll also find a Gear vendor stashed out here.

Tenderloin: The Meat Locker

You’ll find this safe house in the southern part of Manhattan, with plenty of meat hanging around. You’ll also find a Weapons vendor with lots of guns on hand.

Flatiron District: Madison’s Stand

Head a little further south and you’ll find Madison’s Stand in Manhattan, with a Gear vendor on hand. You’ll find it right next to Madison Square Park.

Gramercy: The Last Call

This run-down bar is hope to a Weapons vendor, although it could be a comfortable base if you prefer.

Stuyvesant: The Ward

You’ll find The Ward on the very southeast portion of Manhattan, right next to the river. It resembles an old hospital, and has a Gear vendor hiding in a storage room.

Kips Bay: Southpaw

Head north, just to the east side of the Dark Zone, and you’ll find Southpaw, complete with a Gear vendor selling an ample amount of goodies.

Murray Hill: The Grindhouse

This aptly named Safe House has a lot to offer, taking place in a run-down movie theater. Here, you’ll find a Weapons vendor by the concession stand. (Sorry, no popcorn.)

Turtle Bay: The Firewall

This spot actually looks like the real Ubisoft office located in Manhattan – but recreated for The Division, of course. Check out the Gear vendor that’s waiting inside.

Midtown East: The Crypt

Lastly, you’ll find this creepy little locale, which houses a Weapons vendor. You probably shouldn’t stick around too long, mainly due to the décor.

Be sure to check out more coverage in our Division walkthrough and guide, including how to survive in the Dark Zone, plus medical and security skill guides.

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