If you’re as big a fan of Capcom as we are, and you weren’t able to pick up the newest game in its popular Dead Rising series when it dropped for Xbox One last November, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the PC release, which hit September 5.
Here’s the good news. Dead Rising 3 looks gorgeous on our beefy computers, and overall we’re very pleased with the game’s transfer to PC. One thing in particular that seems to irk PC gamers around the globe, however, is Capcom’s decision to lock the port at 30 frames per second.
There isn’t a method to unlock the frames per second via in-game options, but if you know your way around a computer it’s pretty simple to set up a user.ini file and allow yourself to view the blood riddled world of Dead Rising 3 with the fastest and smoothest experience your computer can handle. Of course, Capcom also mentioned that the game is optimized for 30 FPS, and unlocking it could possibly cause side effects, so it’s really up to you if you want to take the risk.
Should you choose to unlock the FPS, it’s quite a simple technique. Just open up Notepad as an Administrator and copy in the following line:
“gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True”
Remember to leave the quotation marks out or it won’t work. Now all you have to do is save the document, then drag and drop it into the folder where your deadrising3.exe is located. Wasn’t that easy? Now go chop off some zombie limbs.
Published: Sep 8, 2014 8:00 PM UTC