EFT Patch 0.15 Streets of Tarkov Trailer
Image via Battlestate Games

Best Places to Loot Food in Escape From Tarkov

Dear BSG, traders need to start selling food!

Escape from Tarkov has several quests requiring players to get specific food to turn in or place them elsewhere. Some of these need the “found in raid” tag, meaning you’ll have to find them inside a raid and extract them safely or craft them in your Nutrition Unit – assuming the food you need is craftable in the first place. Apart from these quests, you need food and drinks to replenish your character’s hydration and energy. In short, players will always need a constant supply of food, and here are the best food loot spots you can farm in Escape from Tarkov.

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Best Loot Spots for Food in Escape from Tarkov

Interchange Goshan

Interchange’s Goshan area is the biggest grocery store in the game. Even if you hit up all the grocery stores on the Streets of Tarkov map, you’ll still have less food than Goshan in a single run.

However, some types of food don’t spawn in Goshan. Most of the food you’ll see are drinks and canned goods, so food like Sausages won’t spawn. It is still nice to do a “grocery” run if you are going to Interchange and your extraction is the EMERCOM Checkpoint.

Customs Stronghold

Customs Stronghold is one of the hottest areas on the map, but for a good reason. It spawns several valuable items inside the Scav room and has several Technical, Medical, and Ration Supply Crates on the second floor and the outside area.

For food, you only want to loot the Scav Room. The possible food spawns are on the futons and the single bed. Once you loot that area, go to the second floor and start looting the big supply crates.

You can camp around the area until you know which area is safe. Exiting Stronghold is extremely dangerous since you are vulnerable from almost everywhere, apart from the railroad side.

Related: How to Get Christmas Tree Ornaments in Escape from Tarkov

Woods Military Camp

The next best area for both food and medical supplies is in the military camp in Woods. It has several big crates similar to Customs but with more medical and ration spawns. Iskra Ration Packs are also common here, so if you need those for a quest, you should go to Woods.

Streets of Tarkov Camp

In Streets of Tarkov, there is one long lane where Kaban (Streets boss) resides. Some players call this the camp, one of the hottest areas for loot on the map. While this spot may have more technical spawns, there are so many random spawns in general that you’ll eventually get several food spawns from Duffle Bags and Sports Bags.

Most of your “food” loot will come from random sources like these, but they are so abundant that you would most likely get some if you loot the whole camp.

Reserve Food (Keys required)

For Reserve, the best place to find food is the food bunker. Even Jaeger teaches you this spot through a quest called “Reserve,” but most supplies are behind locked doors. You need the following keys: RB-PSP1, RB-PSP2, RB-PSV1, and RB-PSV2. Any one or two of these keys will get you inside and give you Ration Crates. RB-PSP1 is the best food source since it has four Ration Crates inside.

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Image of Enzo Zalamea
Enzo Zalamea
Enzo is a staff writer at Prima Games. He began writing news, guides, and listicles related to games back in 2019. In 2024, he started writing at Prima Games covering the best new games and updates regardless of the genre. You can find him playing the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Path of Exile, Teamfight Tactics, and popular competitive shooters like Valorant, Apex Legends, and CS2. Enzo received his Bachelor's degree in Marketing Management in De La Salle University and multiple SEO certifications from the University of California, Davis.