As you navigate the police station in Resident Evil 2, you’ll come across an assortment of locked objects that contain useful rewards such as ammo and other items. To unlock safes, lockers, or any other container with a dial or combination lock, you’ll need to find the correct code or combination by searching the surrounding area. Or, you can keep things simple and just follow our guide below to learn all the safe lock combinations in Resident Evil 2!
All Locker and Safe Codes in Resident Evil 2
Unlocking all the safes, lockers, and portable safes will grant the Master of Unlocking achievement/trophy. Below, we’ve listed the codes and combinations for each safe, portable safe, and locker in Resident Evil 2. As long as you input the correct codes, you should be able to unlock each locked container with no trouble. If it’s keys you’re after, head over to our guide on where to find all keys in Resident Evil 2.
Leon’s Desk (1F)
Early on, players will discover Leon’s desk in the West Office of the police station. There is a letter on Leon’s desk that provides a clue for cracking the code. Unlocking the desk will reward you with an extended clip for Matilda. Opening the locked desk requires combining the initials from everyone’s first names in the correct sequence.
- Leon’s Desk Code: NED – MRG
West Office Safe (1F)
While you’re in the West Office, you may also want to unlock the safe that’s in this room as well to obtain a new Hip Pouch. The clue for figuring out the safe combination is found on a desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office on the second floor.
- West Office Safe Code: Left 9, Right 15, Left 7
Shower Room Locker (2F)
On the second floor of the police station, there is a shower room that contains various consumable items and collectibles. If you’re looking to stock up on ammunition, then this is a good place to start. The dial code for the locker is written on a dry-erase board in the room on the first floor behind the Operations Room.
- Shower Room Locker Code: CAP
Waiting Room Safe (2F)
On the second floor of the police station in Resident Evil 2, there is a locked safe in the Waiting Room that can be opened early in the game. Check the Observation Room for a clue to the safe’s code. Inside this safe will either be a high-capacity mag for Claire’s weapon or a muzzle brake for Leon’s weapon.
- Waiting Room Safe Code: Left 6, Right 2, Left 11
Third Floor Locker (3F)
At the back of the police station, you’ll find a stairwell that goes up to the third floor. Just before the room where you find the spade key, there will be a locker with a dial lock that you can open to get your hands on some more ammo. You can develop a roll of film to figure out the dial lock code which is listed below.
- Third Floor Locker Code: DCM
Treatment Pool Room Safe (Middle)
There is a safe in the sewers that you can find on a path just beyond the Monitor Room. You’ll need to lower the bridge to reach the safe, which you can do by pressing the button outside. The code for unlocking the safe is written in chalk on its side.
- Treatment Pool Room Safe Code: Left 2, Right 12, Left 8
Control Room Locker (Upper)
In the upper part of the sewers is a Control Room locker that contains additional ammo. The solution to this locker’s code can be found on a jazz poster in the employee break room on the upper part of the sewers. The circled letters spell out the code.
- Control Room Locker Code: SZF
Shower & Linen Room Portable Safes (2F)
In both the shower room and linen room, there are portable safes that you can unlock if you punch in the correct code. Leon and Claire each have different number layouts on their keypads that correspond to different buttons. The buttons light up a light on the wheel. When all the lights are lit in the circle, the portable safe will unlock. Note: You must collect the diamond key in order to access the linen room.
The key to inputting the correct sequence in these portable safes is to press the buttons in the correct numerical order. Let’s say you start with the button for 3. The rest of the sequence would then be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2. As long as none of the numbered buttons are pressed out of numerical order, you should be able to unlock the portable locks in both the shower room and linen room. Credit goes to Shacknews for the portable safe sequences below.
Leon’s Shower Room Portable Safe Code
Leon’s Linen Room Portable Safe Code
Claire’s Shower Room Portable Safe Code
Claire’s Linen Room Portable Safe Code
There you have it. Now you should be able to unlock any safe, locker, or portable safe you come across in Resident Evil 2. Check out our other Resident Evil 2 guides for more gameplay tips.
Published: Jan 25, 2019 10:00 AM UTC