Potions are one of the most useful items you can use in Minecraft. To that end, here’s how to brew all potions in Minecraft.
Complete Minecraft Brewing Guide: All Minecraft Potion Recipes and How to Brew Them
If you’ve ever wanted to take a swim in lava or completely vanish from view, there’s a potion for you. And these potions can prove to be exceptionally useful when you’re fighting off mobs or exploring the Nether. But making them can be more difficult than you might expect.
How to Brew Potions in Minecraft
When it comes to potions, there are three possible types. There’s the Awkward Potion, the Splash Potion, and the Lingering Potions. Awkward Potions are the foundational building block for all potions, while Splash and Lingering Potions are umbrellas that the potions will fall into. So, let’s dive right in.
To make an Awkward Potion, you’ll need a Glass Bottle. Glass Bottles can be found by crafting three blocks of sand, which can be found at beaches or in deserts, and turning it into a glass bottle. Or you might be able to find one by fishing. Finding sand is much easier, though.
Once you have a Glass Bottle, fill it with water. This will turn it into a Water Bottle.
Next, you’ll need a Nether Wart, which you can get by visiting the Nether and locating a Nether Fortress. Brew the Nether Wart and Water Bottle together to create an Awkward Potion.

How to Make Splash Potions in Minecraft
Now, you’ll have to decide what type of potion you want to make. There are Splash Potions, which are essentially potions that apply a status effect to you or whoever you use it on directly. These potions can be crafted by going to a Brewing Stand, adding the ingredients listed in the chart, and adding gunpowder.
How to Make Lingering Potions
Lingering Potions are potions that are used on an area to create a lingering effect. A Lingering Potion can be made by going to a Brewing Stand and turning a Splash Potion into a Lingering Potion. To do this, you’ll need Dragon’s Breath.
All Potion Recipes in Minecraft
Potion | Effect | Ingredients |
Awkward Potion | None, used to make other potions | Nether Wart Water Bottle |
Potion of Fire Resistance | Gives the user immunity to all heat-related damage. | Nether Wart Magma Cream |
Potion of Harming | Creates an instant damaging effect. | Nether Wart Spider Eye Fermented Spider Eye |
Potion of Healing | Instantly heals the user. | Nether Wart / Glistening Melon Slice Glistening Melon |
Potion of Invisibility | Causes the user to vanish from view. Enemies will only be able to detect the user if they’re in close proximity. | Nether Wart Golden Carrot Fermented Spider Eye |
Potion of Leaping | Allows the player to jump a certain amount of blocks higher and reduces fall damage. | Nether Wart Rabbit’s Foot |
Potion of Night Vision | Brightens surroundings to a light level of 15, including water and lava. | Nether Wart Golden Carrot |
Potion of Poison | Causes the user to take damage over time. | Nether Wart Spider Eye |
Potion of Regeneration | Restores health over time. | Nether Wart Ghast Tear |
Potion of Slow Falling | The user falls at a much slower rate, and damage upon hitting the ground is reduced to zero. | Nether Wart / Awkward Potion Phantom Membrane |
Potion of Slowness | Causes the user to slow down by a certain percentage while sprinting. | Nether Wart Sugar Fermented Spider Eye |
Potion of Strength | Increases melee damage. | Nether Wart Blaze Powder |
Potion of Swiftness | Increases speed, jump distance, and field of view. | Nether Wart Sugar |
Potion of the Turtle Master | Causes the user to slow significantly but reduces the damage they take by the same percent. | Nether Wart Turtle Shell |
Potion of Water Breathing | Allows the player to swim without drowning or needing to surface for air. Your oxygen bar won’t decrease while you’re underwater. | Nether Wart Pufferfish |
Potion of Weakness | Reduces the user’s melee damage by a certain amount. | Fermented Spider Eye |
Published: Nov 8, 2023 10:46 AM UTC