We’re in the middle of a new season in Fortnite, the hit Battle Royale shooter from Epic Games that will outlive all of us. It’s the third season of Chapter 2, and as we all know with a new season comes major changes to what you can encounter on the island. On top of adjustments, bug fixes, new features and new weapons, Fortnite players also have to deal with the vault. When a new season launches, the Fortnite team locks away certain weapons, and brings others back. This happens for various reasons, but ultimately it’s just one of many ways to keep the game fresh.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Vaulted Weapons Guide
- Pump Shotgun – Once again, the beloved Pump shotgun has been sealed away in the Fortnite vault. This was done to make room for the Charge Shotgun, a new weapon that performs a similar function, but also has a charge shot mechanic.
- Assault Rifle to Heavy Assault Rifle Sidegrade – the option to craft this upgrade for Assault Rifles is gone, and it also seems like the Heavy Assault Rifle has been entirely vaulted so you won’t be picking any up either.
- Season 2 Mythics – The new Mythic weapons introduced last season seem to be limited, as every one from the previous season is vaulted. Instead, a whole new set of Mythics have emerged for the current season.
Related: Where is Dirty Docks in Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 3
Many more weapons have escaped the vault, compared to what was locked away this time. The following weapons are available once again, at least for the time being:
- Hunting Rifle (rare/legendary)
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- Chug Jugs
- Stink Bombs
- Chug Splashes
- Compact SMG
- Grappler
That’s all in terms of vaulted and unvaulted weapons for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3. Obviously there are a ton of new things to discover as you make your way around the game, especially due to all the flooding. This season is set to end towards the end of the summer, so there’s still plenty of time to explore, get murdered, and find a new favorite weapon that will inevitably be ripped away from you at some point.
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What do you think about these adjustments for the latest Fortnite season? Does the Charge Shotgun replacing the Pump Shotgun make sense? What about the Mythics system? Let us know what you think over at the Prima Games social media channels on Facebook and Twitter!
Published: Jul 28, 2020 04:11 pm