Gears 5 is almost here and the reviews so far have been glowing! While we still chip away at our own review, we decided to compile a few snippets of what people are saying in our Gears 5 review roundup! Ready to see how the latest adventure stacks up? Here’s the latest talk of the town:
Trusted Reviews – 80 / 100
Gears 5 is the series’ most ambitious entry to date, bringing with it an endless wave of revolutionary ideas that the franchise has been in desperate need of for years. The Coalition’s mark has finally been made, and it’s one that focuses on narrative importance alongside bright, energetic mechanics that show that Gears 5 can happily stand alongside this generation’s other blockbusters without fear.
GamesBeat – 90 / 100
Gears 5 has a lot to offer, with multiplayer, co-op modes, and a single-player campaign with wide range of emotions, from humor and laughter to despair and tragedy. It leaves the fans with a bit of a cliffhanger ending, but that just means that fans will want Gears 6 to come soon.
Windows Central – 90 / 100
The fact that Gears 5 manages to jam a truly “AAA” 12-18 hour campaign, several multiplayer modes, a map editor, and the promise of post-launch support represents one of the best deals in gaming right now. It’s an even better value when you factor in Xbox Game Pass. The future of Gears of War has never been so bright — and sure, there’s room for improvement, but this is the evolution that the franchise desperately needed.
Game Informer – 85 / 100
Gears 5 is exactly what it needs to be. This old war vet still packs a punch. The open-world exploration has issues, but that isn’t enough to steal away the thunder The Coalition expertly deploys on the battlefield. The campaign is a fun ride that concludes with a shocker moment and a hell of a setup for a sequel. I’m already looking forward to that follow-up.
GamesRadar – 80 / 100
Gears 5 doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it changes enough to keep its signature style of cover-based shooting from feeling monotonous. Going into this review, I was convinced Gears of War needed to change drastically or risk obsolescence. But the Coalition has found a different way forward, using new mechanics to polish the old, making the whole game shine.
Gears 5 officially makes its way to Xbox One and PC on September 6th.
Published: Sep 4, 2019 9:47 PM UTC