Ever since its announcement earlier this year at the Tokyo Game Show, Tecmo Koei’s futuristic Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z has been nothing short of intriguing. But up until this point, it hasn’t been clarified just which console the game has been declared for, whether it would be this generation or the next. But today, we’ve gotten a better idea.

The game’s developer, Spark Unlimited (who are also working on Lost Planet 3 for Capcom), have listed some new job listings with them looking for people to help out on Yaiba. In the listings, they indicate that the game is “a bold new take on third person slasher with horror elements for the PS3 and Xbox 360.”
There you have it! Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is officially a game for this generation, though you never know. The Xbox 720 or PlayStation 4 could very well get an enhanced port down the line. That’s how it worked for the original Ninja Gaiden, after all.
Yaiba is currently slated for a release sometime in 2013.
Published: Dec 26, 2012 07:38 pm