Sunset Overdrive Act 3 – Mission 3: Tastes Like Chicken – Roast Pigeons

Roast pigeons for the feast and return to Castle Fargarthia to save King Ignatius.
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

When the mission begins your objective will be to roast pigeons for the feast. It’s a fairly simple objective if you get the timing down. If you don’t, however, you might have to start again from the beginning. Sort of like we had to.

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Sitting around the area will be three Grind Cooker traps, as well as three Pyro Geysers. We actually ignored the Grind Cookers completely, instead choosing to sit on the rooftops until we saw a batch of pigeons near one of the Pyro Geysers. From there, just jump on the Pyro Geyser and light those suckers on fire. So long as you let enough pigeons gather you should have no problem killing the 500 you need to pass this part of the mission.

Once you’ve murdered all the required pigeons it will be time to clear the way for the Fargarthian convoy. To do this, grind along the power lines and look out for Scabs lining the path ahead. Take them out with either your Dirty Harry, TNTeddy, or epic post apocalyptic melee skills.

After clearing out two waves of Scabs you’re going to have to switch things up and deal with a batch of OD, including the dreaded Herker. We’re just kidding, it’s really not that bad. To put the Herker down in short order you’ll want to maintain your distance and hit it with non-stop shots from your Dirty Harry. You can go with the Flaming Compensator as well, but we find our first suggestion to be the most effective tool for the job.

Tip: Never forget that your Acid Sprinkler is available. It might not be the most powerful weapon you have, but it’s a huge nuisance to foes like the Herker. Drop them all around the beast to buy you some time to hit it with the Dirty Harry.

When that fool has finally hit the pavement it’ll be time to return to Castle Fargarthia, but before you can do that you’ll need to clear out the Scabs. Your Dirty Harry is again a great option here, but melee is also a possibility as long as you keep moving. Remember, grinding is the best way to avoid the attacks from your Scab adversaries. Even bouncing isn’t the most effective method to stay safe.

When the last of your enemies have fallen, head inside Castle Fargarthia to trigger a cut scene and bring the mission to a close.

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Return to the Sunset Overdrive Walkthrough, or continue with Act 3 – Mission 4: Bad Medicine.

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