In 2007, PopCap Games created a global puzzle phenomenon with Peggle, a game that involved dynamic bouncing skill, intriguing puzzles, and a handful of Peggle masters to help you out with excellent power-ups. The game became a huge success, and prompted many to wonder, “When will we get the sequel?” Here’s a hint – TODAY.
PopCap has released Peggle 2 for the Xbox One console, and it’s just what you’d expect from a sequel – bigger and better. Featuring new Peggle Masters to conquer, a series of new trials that will challenge your bouncing skills, and beautiful new visuals and sound that take advantage of the next-gen console, it’s a game you shouldn’t be without this holiday season.
You can download Peggle 2 right here for $11.99.
We’ll have continuing coverage on the game in the months ahead. You know, once we’re done conquering it and all.
Published: Dec 9, 2013 05:25 pm