Nintendo Offers Pilotwings SNES For a Discount Price To Club Nintendo Members

For 100 virtual coins, you can buy your own plane, jet pack and parachute.
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One of the more innovative games to come out for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, at the height of its popularity, was Pilotwings, a skillful adventure game where you took part in various activities, including skydiving, jet packing and flying planes, all utilizing the system’s amazing (at the time, anyway) Mode 7 zooming and rotating technology.  If you somehow missed out on this classic experience, you can relive it again – for dirt cheap, too.

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As part of its bi-weekly Club Nintendo discount offerings, Nintendo has offered up a Wii Virtual Console download of the SNES Pilotwings for a mere 100 coins – which you can earn by redeeming codes included with retail games and taking surveys.  That’s a small price to pay for the gaming goodness this title provides.  Even crashing into the ground without opening your parachute has a comical Wile E. Coyote-like moment that you shouldn’t miss.  It’s just too bad we didn’t get any points for it – we DID land in the bullseye, after all.

Check out Pilotwings now, because the offer is likely to expire in a couple of weeks.


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