As mayor, I pride myself on serving the needs of my town’s residents—but serving them coffee is another matter! Perhaps I should start at the beginning. It all began about a month ago, when I was visiting the museum to have a fossil identified by my good pal, Blathers.
I usually find Blathers snoozing during the day, but this time he had something on his mind. He told me all about his friend Brewster—a clever owl with a beak for coffee beans. Blathers asked me to organize a special public work project to have a café built in town for Brewster. I love coffee, so it sounded like a great idea!
After plenty of generous donations by all of the town’s residents, the Roost Café was finally opened. I’ll never forget my first cup o’ Joe—it had just the right zing! From then on, I knew I’d be visiting the Roost every day.
Brewster usually isn’t much for conversation, but one day after my 100th cup of coffee, he offered me a part-time job serving to-go cups from a side-counter. I couldn’t wait to start the next day; after all, I love serving my town.
As eager as I was to work at the Roost, I soon discovered that I had a lot to learn about making coffee. My neighbors were vague with their orders, and the ones that I served weren’t thrilled with their orders. Hey, nobody’s perfect!
Published: Jun 4, 2013 09:48 am