Corpse Party was a rather disturbing release for PSP last year, but that didn’t stop many players from getting thoroughly entertained by it, making it a huge success for XSEED. Well, why stop a good, disturbing thing? The company has announced that it’s already working on bringing over the sequel, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, to the PlayStation Network this winter as an exclusive download. The primary platform is the PSP, though it’s very likely you’ll be able to download the game to the PS Vita with no problems.
“Some of them help fill in the blanks of what happened during crucial off-camera scenes from the original game,” XSEED localization specialist Tom Lipschultz stated in an entry on the PlayStation Blog. “Others go into the back-story of various characters, helping to flesh them out and make their roles in the series mythos a bit clearer. Still others ask ‘what if?,’ presenting an alternate version of events from the first game in which characters who previously died are kept alive and given a fleeting chance to stay that way.” One final chapter acts as a direct sequel to the events in the previous game.
If you still have yet to be introduced to Corpse Party, don’t worry. XSEED will be putting the original game on sale for the next two weeks, for only $9.99. And it’s downloadable on PSP and Vita, so you have no excuse. It’s time to get scared.
Published: Oct 22, 2012 04:25 pm