Achievement Hunter: The Best Multiplayer Achievements To Snag With Your Friends

Grab these fun online romps and rack up some killer GamerScore points while you're at it.
This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

We get a kick out of earning Achievements and adding up our GamerScore as much as the next guy.  But there’s something about earning specific ones in multiplayer, alongside your friends, that really stands out.  Maybe it’s knowing how well you worked together as a team, or how you were able to decimate your friends so quickly, and how you’ve been rewarded for it.

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Nevertheless, we had a mountain-sized task ahead of us for our latest Achievement Hunter, naming the best multiplayer Achievements that you can snag with your friends.  There are obviously the popular favorites that deserve obvious mentioning, but there are also a couple of surprise games that we felt earned a spot on our list.  

Some of your favorites might be missing (the Medal of Honor: Warfighter community might be a bit steamed), but that doesn’t mean you can’t hop online and do some damage there.  There are hundreds of thousands of GamerScore points that aren’t mentioned here.  Don’t let us stop here.

But in the meantime, check out our suggested ones and get ready for a few challenges.  These are points well gotten…

Portal 2

Valve’s much-beloved sequel (it still feels fresh a year and a half after its release) has many Achievements to gain in single player, but it has a bounty of co-op-related ones as well.  The main one, You Saved Science, nets you 100G merely by completing all the test chambers in one two-player driven run.  

There are other small ones as well, including solving three co-op chambers in Mass or Velocity in under 60 seconds (Triple Crown, 15 points), never losing a cube across Chamber 6’s Mass and Velocity courses (Iron Grip, 20 points – good luck with that one) and completing Chamber 4 without dying once (Still Alive, 15 points).  These can be a hassle with the wrong partner, so choose wisely and get to earning.

Halo 4

Halo 4 is remarkable when it comes to racking up Achievements with your buddies, whether you’re playing through Spartan Ops or going head-to-head in War Games.  There are some personal favorites here, like mounting through all chapters in Spartan Ops Episode 1 on Legendary difficulty (40 points – 20 if you go it alone, A Legendary Episode) or locating one of the RvB Easter Eggs (Roses vs. Violets, 20 points).  

As for the War Games Achievements, it looks like they’re mostly based around matchmaking matches, as you’ll earn the I <3 Red vs. Blue Achievement (15 points) for winning five, or going all out for Hanging on the Combat Deck (30 points) for winning 20.  No matter how you fare, though, you can still rank up your Spartan and score some points, going up to SR-5 (Not Some Recruit Anymore, 15 points) and, essentially, SR-20 (Movin’ On Up, 25 points).  No matter what you prefer, a bounty of points await you.

Gears of War 3

Not mentioning Epic Games’ latest battle with the Locust Horde would be sacrilege here in Achievement Hunter, and there are plenty to unlock, whether you like taking on waves of enemies with your friends or going all out in multiplayer.  Just by shopping around all six multiplayer modes, you’ll unlock The Versus Sampler Platter for 10 points.  

But once you get down and dirty in any of the modes, you’ll really go places, like surviving 10 waves of Horde mode (Welcome To Horde Mode, 10 points), surviving all 12 waves of Beast mode (Welcome To Beast Mode, 10 points) or killing ten enemies in a run through Team Deathmatch (10 points, standard or casual).  

There are some gems within multiplayer, with one particular standout – the Lambency Achievement, worth 50 points.  To do this, you need to execute an Epic employee, or someone who already has the Achievement from a previously hosted Epic Games match (and there are a few out there, so happy hunting).

Assassin’s Creed III

Though most of Assassin’s Creed III’s Achievements are based around the single player campaign, there are still a few good ones to earn working alongside your friends.  For instance, if you reach Level 20 in the multiplayer mode, you’ll earn Abstergo Entertainment for 10 points; reaching sequence 10 in the co-op oriented Wolfpack will net you 20 points; and being on the winning team in a multiplayer session unlocks Winning Team for 20.  You’ll also earn 10 points just for customizing your profile and character (Personalized).  A short list, but that’s a decent set of rewards just for killing folks assassin style.

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2 has a fair share of good Achievements, but we felt we should pay tribute to the original game by pointing out some of the better ones you can get – with the Infected.  That’s right, zombies have their day here on the Achievement Hunter!

Our particular favorite out of the bunch is All 4 Dead, where you’ll have to wipe our all four survivors in one shot while playing as a Tank (30 points, and we’ve seen people do it).  Others include pouncing on two survivors in one life as a hunter (Double Jump, 20 points), dragging a survivor 100 feet with your tongue (Big Drag, 20 points) and doling out 5000 total Survivor damage as a Special Infected (Dead Wreckening, 20 points).  And if you can snag a Survivor who has entered and left a safe room, that’s 20 additional points right there (Lamb 2 Slaughter).  Sign us up.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Finally, let’s get to one of the best Achievement-packed multiplayer titles for the Xbox 360 right now, Activision’s Call of Duty romp.  Here, you can earn dozens of points in the Zombies mode in itself, merely by going through TranZit and completing various tasks alongside friends.  These include taking out 10 zombies with one EMP (The Lights of Their Eyes, 5 points), opening all the doors without being set ablaze (Don’t Fire Until You See, 30 points) and buying a pair of perks before activating the power (Happy Hour, 10 points).

Then there’s general versus multiplayer, with a few more to unlock.  Winning 10 multiplayer games in Party Games playlists will net you Party Animal for 10 points; winning five multiplayer League Play games after working your way into a division rewards you 20 points (Big Leagues); getting the honor to Prestige in a match nails you a whopping 50 points (Welcome To the Penthouse); and reaching Sergeant (Level 10) for the first time nets you a nice 10 points (Welcome To the Club).

Good luck, and happy hunting!

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