Warner Bros. and NetherRealm Studios released Mortal Kombat X Mobile for iPhone and iPad on April 8, 2015. The game borrows from WWE Immortals and Injustice Gods Among Us, allowing players to assemble a three-person team of warriors and then pit these characters against the computer in brutal 3 vs. 3 kombat to earn Koins and Souls. In addition, the game supports Faction Wars, a competitive online mode where players choose a side and earn points to rank on the leaderboard; Faction Wars is available in both the mobile and console versions of MKX.
Although the game does not feature full-range of movement (players merely tap and swipe the screen to pull off moves), they’re still able to achieve combos, vicious X-Rays and Fatalities. If you have trouble battling the likes of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano and other Kombatants, Prima’s MKX Mobile tips will put more wins and Koins in your virtual pocket.
Tip: Use Koins to upgrade a character’s moves. Don’t be cheap! Spend the 1,000 Koins to upgrade Scorpion’s Spear. Doing this increases its maximum damage. The harder you hit, the easier it will be to win fights.
Test your luck with the Daily Login Bonus
You receive a Daily Login Bonus every 24 hours that is impossible to avoid. The game presents you with eight Mortal Kombat cards placed face down, and you can choose one to claim a prize. The list includes Souls, character cards and other bonuses. Case in point, a Special Attack 2 Upgrade that allows you to level up Special 2 on a Bronze Tier character.
Use special moves for extreme damage
Successfully land attacks to build up your meter on the bottom left corner of the screen. Whenever you see an icon above the bar, that means you can pull off a special attack. Press this and your character will do something particularly nasty to your opponent, like spitting acid in his or her face or riddling their bodies with bullets, among other things.
We prefer to do special moves after the opponent finishes attacking, or just as the enemy tags someone else into the match.
Block after performing combos
After hitting your opponent anywhere between one and four times, quickly press two fingers on the screen to block. Although your character may take damage anyway, it is better to absorb a relatively small amount of punishment instead of taking the full brunt of an attack.
Monitor character health and tag out
Similar to WWE wrestling, you should make quick tags to avoid losing too much health at one time. Rotate each of your Kombatants into the fight, chip away at your opponent’s health and then tag out. Always remember that tagging works on a cool down system, so after bringing someone in, you must wait a few seconds before making a tag.
There are good and bad times to tag someone. Avoid going for a tag just as the opponent is about to land an attack, otherwise the character coming in will take damage. It’s better to knock your adversary to the ground and then tag.
Tip: Tagged out characters regenerate small amounts of health and power.
Complete the QTE mini games
After successfully hitting an opponent a few times, a mini-game will appear on screen. These usually involve swiping in a certain direction or tapping to get a constantly moving icon to stop in the center of a bar. Do this successfully to land massive damage.
Test Your Might
This mini-game challenges you to punch through some wooden boards or stone blocks. Look for the icon along the bottom of the screen and button mash like crazy until your character performs his or her move. Do not stop button mashing until this happens and you will then collect the reward.
Pay special attention to battle conditions
Some fights carry stipulations. Example: if Sony Blade gets knocked out you automatically forfeit the match, even with two characters at max health. Just make sure you know this well ahead of time, and do your best to fight using the other two characters on the team.
Replay conquered towers for more loot
You can always go back to previously completed towers to grind for more Koins and Souls, but only do this after finishing a tower. Otherwise you’ll lose all of your progress for the tower you are currently on.
Complete Bonus Missions
These are special conditions tacked onto a fight that help you earn more Souls. One of them challenges you to win 3 fights using a team with at least 2 Spec Ops cards, while another tasks you with defeating opponents with a team of all Silver Cards. Rewards are usually small (4 or 5 Souls), but every little bit counts. On top of that, you can select a new Bonus Mission daily. To do this, click the Menu icon on the top right and then select Bonus Missions.
Tip: Do you own two of the same cards? The game will fuse them automatically, leaving you with one stronger card.
Use Equipment and Supports to make characters more powerful
Press the menu button and then choose Kollection to view you character cards. Now press one to flip it over. From here, you’re able to view the character’s current Attack, Health, Toughness and other key stats. In addition, you can add Supports and Equipment to gain an edge in battle.
Support cards provide a wealth of benefits, from a +3 percent bonus attack for all Scorpion characters to +3 percent bonus energy regeneration for all Trooper characters. Choose which cards you want from the store and equip at your leisure.
Equipment, on the other hand, may add 32 percent resistance to poison and bleeding. Don’t leave these cards in your inventory. Use them!
Tip: At the main menu, click the icon on the lower left corner to receive free Koins and Souls. You cannot do this all the time.
Play Mortal Kombat X for free on iPhone and iPad. After buying the console version, visit Prima’s free MKX guide to pull off all Fatalities and unlock cool stuff in the Krypt.
Published: Apr 14, 2015 12:50 AM UTC