Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has nearly 2 million dollars raised over on Kickstarter as the team over at Owlcat Games works hard towards delivering a new experience that will do the Pathfinder community proud. There are so many aspects of RPGs that we love but one, in particular, is literally about love: romance. So, as the horndogs we are, who can we bang in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous?
We sat down with creative director Alexander Mishulin to ask the real questions because we are mature adults that need some sunshine in our lives. So … who is romanceable? ” We had initial plans to make four possible romantic interests for the player’s character,” Mishulin tells Prima Games.
“That was before our huge success on Kickstarter. With the help of our backers, we managed to increase the amount up to seven. One option—a romance with Queen Galfrey—was our top tier social goal, while two other ones became a stretch goal. Luckily, our fans funded it in almost no time. Both additions to the list of the romanceable characters belong to Kenabres’s high society, and I can share a bit about their personalities.”
While he didn’t want to reveal everything, which is understandable – surprise is good – he did reveal a bit more about two romantic love interests that were added thanks to the game’s Kickstarter plowing through its stretch goals. One of the additions was a stunning Assamiar Oracle that goes by Daeran. According to Mishulin, Daeran wasn’t too aware of the tragedy surrounding Kenegras and because of that, he wasn’t exactly gungho about joining the war.
“This bon vivant is not very happy to leave his posh mansion and join the war effort—but he does begrudgingly lend the Commander his powers, as he prefers to feast, not be feasted upon,” he mentioned. “Whimsical and capricious, he won’t be an easy one to court, but if you catch his eye, you are in for the adventure of a lifetime.”
The creative director also touched a bit on Camelia, a character that is also a noble like Daeran though she’s a bit trickier when it comes to the wooing and the aaahing. “This half-elven shaman is cold and aloof, keeping to herself unless you find a way to melt the ice. It would take a lot to earn her trust, and even more to keep it, among the turmoils of the Crusade.”
As a Morrigan stan from the Dragon Age franchise, I’m no stranger to pulling out all of the stops when it comes to wining and dining so Camelia has definitely caught my eye! You can learn even more about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous right here through our Game Hub, or check out the Kickstarter campaign that officially ends tomorrow! Join the overwhelming mount of players supporting this epic venture. After all, you can never have too much Pathfinder.
Published: Mar 10, 2020 11:23 PM UTC