Look … let’s be real. You know about the upcoming Area 51 raid, we wrote about the upcoming Area 51 raid, there’s no real reason to go into the big backstory behind a Facebook event gone viral. That being said, we’re not quite done talking about it just yet because we just found a hilarious Mortal Kombat 11 video showing off how some of our favorite fighters would pull of a stunt to this scale.
This hilarious find comes way of Reddit user ‘PixelArtAddicted’ and you can see it in all of its glory below:
The great NetherRealm studio/Area 51 raid from r/MortalKombat
The prison guards look fierce but they aren’t a match for the 5,000 meme lords reach to breach the barrier. And then, of course, there’s the “one guy wanting Mokap DLC” leading the charge, because naturally.
Also – just for legal reasons, as we’ve mentioned before – we can’t actually recommend storming the gates. While the event is hilarious, to actually go through with it would be incredibly dangerous. But there are a few families that could use 4,000 people storming the gates to help them, so maybe if the danger doesn’t scare you – try that instead? Trust us, your Mass Effect love interest isn’t available right now.
Published: Jul 23, 2019 08:58 pm