To access The Old Hunters DLC once you have it purchased and downloaded, you must first defeat the boss of the Grand Cathedral, Vicar Amelia. You can find strategies for getting to her location and beating her using our main Bloodborne walkthrough. Once she has been defeated, access the skull on the altar on the far end of the room to watch a cut scene.
Interacting with the skull changes the environment to a moonlit night, so if it’s already night time in your game, chances are you’ve already completed this task. You do not have to do this after you have purchased the DLC. You can complete this task at any point and still gain access to the DLC.
Once you have that completed, head back to the Hunter’s Dream staging area to find that Messengers have appeared near the default location of the doll. Interact to obtain the Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter item.
With both tasks complete, head to the Cathedral Ward lamp, then go down the stairs and through the doorway to the left. Continue down the next flight of stairs and look to the right to see a corpse by a gravestone. This is the location where the giant figure grabs you and causes your Hunter to take massive damage thanks to being frenzied. However, with all of the Old Hunters DLC tasks complete, you will be transported to the Hunter’s Nightmare lamp upon being grabbed.
When you head back to Hunter’s Dream after going to the DLC area, the headstone that leads you back to the Hunter’s Nightmare area is located at the top of the hill where the Chalice Dungeon headstones are found, near the doorway into the workshop.
Recommended Levels
- Level 65 Hunter – Normal Game
- Level 115 Hunter – New Game+
If you’re playing through the normal game, it’s recommended that your Hunter should be at least level 65 before head into the DLC areas. However, since many players advanced on to New Game+ you may want to use that character instead of starting a new one. Just like the main game, the DLC area is more difficult if you’re in a New Game+ so the recommended character level is 115. Of course this changes if you use human or even NPC helpers, but with a basic NPC helper (not one from the League), the first boss is extremely difficult to defeat if your Hunter is lower than level 115 or so.
Be sure to check out our ongoing walkthrough of The Old Hunters, and if you’re just looking to grab as many new weapons as quickly as you can, check out our guide to finding the new weapons!
Published: Nov 24, 2015 2:06 AM UTC