ARMS releases for the Nintendo Switch on June 16, 2017, marking the latest first-party title to grace the company’s brand new hardware. ARMS is a unique fighting game that features a roster of unique characters that can be customized with two Arms used for attacking. This creates a plethora of options between selecting a character and each individual Arm to go with that character. This ARMS guide covers every character and Arm to make sure you’re one step ahead of the competition. In addition, our ARMS guide will cover stage strategies and offer useful advice for novice and veteran players alike.
Alongside our written articles will be video tutorials and character guides to give you a visual assistant in addition to our written content. If you don’t see a specific ARMS guide you’re looking for, be sure to check back regularly as we’ll be updating with new content all the time.
ARMS Quick Tips
- Don’t attack first. Let the opponent attack, dodge to avoid it, then punish with an attack of your own.
- Stay charged up as often as possible so you can land stuns are other impactful attacks.
- Use stuns from charged attacks to start combos.
- Grabs are usually more damaging than singular attacks, but they also move slower than most punches.
- A grab can be interrupted by a single punch attack.
- Defense is key. Always be moving or blocking to make it harder for your opponent to hit you.
- If you’re going to get hit, it’s better to get hit in the air. You will almost always take less damage from any juggles that follow a hit while you’re airborne.
ARMS Guides and Strategy
Twintelle Character Guide
We take a closer look at the French star standing at the top of the ARMS community!
Best Arms – Complete Arms Guide
Get all of the information you need to determine the best Arm for you in ARMS!
Best Characters – Complete Character Overviews
If you’re looking for a character to main in ARMS, you’ve come to the right place.
Character and Arms Tier Lists
We offer an early look at how the characters and Arms stack up against one another.
Tips and Tricks – How to Play
Get a jump on the competition by learning the ins and outs of Nintendo’s latest.
Grand Prix Tips – Beat Max Brass and Hedlock
Find out how to get through the Grand Prix mode on any difficulty and take out Max Brass and Hedlok.
Skillshot Tips – Get a High Score
Find out how to get high scores in Skillshot and the Arms Getter.
Hoops Tips – How to Play Hoops
Find out some great strategies for playing and winning in the Hoops mini-game in ARMS!
ARMS Secrets and Unlockables
How to Change Colors
Find out how to change the color of your fighter in Nintendo’s latest.
How to Get New Arms
Learn how to obtain new Arms in the latest Nintendo Switch fighting game.
Unlock Arms Fast and Get Money Quickly
Find out the fastest way to unlock all those pesky Arms in Nintendo’s latest!
How to Unlock Ranked Mode
Find out how to gain access to Ranked Mode in Nintendo’s new fighting game.
ARMS Video Guides and Match Videos
Tips, Tricks and How to Play
Take a video tour of our best tips and tricks if you getting started in ARMS.
Character Tier List
Find out who we think are the best characters in this ever-evolving tier list!
Grand Prix Mode Tips
We walk through each match in Grand Prix mode so you can unlocked Ranked matches.
Grand Prix Level 7 – Hedlok and Max Brass Tips
If you want to be brave you can take on level 7 in Grand Prix. These tips should help you clear the two bosses.
Hoops Tips
This video shows off some tips to win in the Hoops mini-game.
How to Change Colors
Find out how to change the color of each character’s outfit!
Ranked Match – Twintelle vs. Ninjara
Check out some pre-release Ranked Mode action with an intense best of three between Twintelle and Ninjara.
Party Match Craziness with Twintelle
A quick pre-release play through of Party Mode, including 1v1, 2v2, Hoops and Handicap matches.
Published: Jul 15, 2017 1:32 AM UTC