If you’re participating in WoW’s 2023 Brewfest event, you’re earning Keg-Shaped Chests from Coren Direbrew at least once a day. This chest can drop mounts and other loot, but also a brand-new piece of cosmetic equipment: the Renewed Proto-Drake Brewfest Armor. Here’s how to get the Brewfest Armor in World of Warcraft.
World of Warcraft: Renewed Proto-Drake Brewfest Armor Source and Drop Chance
Well, I can tell you one thing for 100% certain: this thing drops from the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest from Coren Direbrew, which is rewarded once per day, per character. The drop rate? The jury’s out on that one. There’s a running and anecdotally-solid theory that the drop rate is highest on your first attempt of the day, and much lower for all subsequent alt runs the same day. This is similar to the Heartbreaker rocket that drops as part of the Valentine’s Day event.

There is an account-wide tracker for your daily attempts at the saddle, so this theory holds weight. Also, some players over on Wowhead and the Blizzard forums have attested that despite running Coren Direbrew with dozens of characters, they were granted the armor on their first clear of any given day. So, my advice would be to just try for the armor once per day, and not bother with alts. The drop rate is likely so abysmally low for subsequent runs that it simply isn’t worth the misery.
Of course, if you want to slave away at alt runs for what is certainly a sub 1% drop chance, I’m not going to stop you. It is a pretty cool looking bit of armor, so that’s for you to decide.
You have until October 6 to earn the Brewfest Armor for your Renewed Protodrake, which means about ten more shots at it from today. If you aren’t lucky enough to get a drop, you’re stuck waiting until next year (or a fortunate Trading Post drop). If you’re curious as to what else is new this year, check out our 2023 Brewfest guide.
Published: Sep 26, 2023 04:33 pm