Entangled might be one of my favorite quests in Starfield, just because of how unique it is. But it also carries with it a heavy choice between realities. So, should you pick Director Patel’s Reality or Rafel’s Reality? And what are the consequences of both in Starfield?
Rewards and Consequences for Picking Patel or Rafael in Starfield Quest Entangled
One of the most unique quests you’ll tackle in Starfield is Entangled. This quest centers on parallel universes, triggered by an explosion. In one reality, Rafel was able to stop a fire from spreading to the rest of the facility. This led to everyone surviving… except for him. This is Patel’s reality and the reality you first stumble across.
But then, as you move through the facility, you’ll periodically blinked into a universe where Rafael saved himself. And it’s a nightmare world, full of alien monsters and a crumbling Rafael.
And the only way to fix this situation is to choose a reality, bringing the other to an end. So, which should you pick?
Choosing Patel’s Reality in the Quest Entangled in Starfield – Consequences
If you pick Patel’s reality, everyone within the facility that you’ve met will continue to live. Rafel will remain dead.
But more tangibly, Patel will give you the following items:
- Reactive Calibrated Experimental Nishina Helmet
- Incendiary Calibrated Experimental Nishina Spacesuit
- 14,800 Credits
The Incendiary Calibrated Experimental Nishina Spacesuit has the following stats and buffs:
- PHS: 105
- ENGY: 137
- EM: 121
- Thermal: 15
- Airborne: 0
- Corrosive: 30
- Radiation: 15
- Beast Hunter: -15% damage from Alien enemies.
- Auto-Medic: Automatically use a Med Pack when hit and health is below 25% once every 60 seconds.
- Incendiary: 10% chance to ignite nearby attackers.
That’s not bad at all.
Choosing Rafael’s Reality in the Quest Entangled in Starfield – Consequences
If you select Rafael’s reality, the clean facility and all those who worked there will be gone. Instead, you’ll be on a nightmare planet, full of aliens. But Rafel will be extremely grateful. I personally selected this option, as Rafael had lived in that nightmare for so long.
Rafael will give you a series of resources. They are:
- Indicite Wafer
- Comm Relay x 2
- Vytinium x 4
- Tasine x 5
- Credits: 11,400
- Rafael will become recruitable as a companion
Rafael won’t become your companion immediately. You’ll need to let him board your ship, then take him to New Atlantis. Once he settles there (and hopefully gets some significant therapy) you’ll be able to pick him up from Vieport in New Atlantis.
His stats are:
★★ Starship Engineering
★ Outpost Engineering
★ Outpost Management
Not awful, not great! But if you need someone to manage your Outposts, he’s a pretty solid choice. Especially compared to some of the other companions you can recruit.
Published: Sep 8, 2023 03:25 pm