Where to Pass Out Saburo Okadigbo’s Flyers in Starfield in Saburo’s Solution Quest

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Neon is a ruthless city where it is hard for most citizens to get by. It’s crime-ridden, it’s violent, but in all honesty, it makes it a bit interesting. Many excellent and honest people are out there, including the store owner, Saburo Okadigbo. He’ll ask you to distribute his cross-promotional flyers to help him grow his business. Here’s where to pass out flyers for Saburo’s Solution Quest in Neon City.

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Locations of Stores that will accept Saburo Okadigbo’s Flyers in Saburo’s Solution Quest – Starfield

There are five stores that you need to pitch the idea to successfully. Generally, by going from store to store and talking to the salesperson, you will eventually reach a dialogue point where you offer the flyer to them. So, some small talk first to soften them up, and then, the old-school switcheroo to ad spam. A lot of the store owners outright declined me, but here are the locations of stores that accepted my offer, to save you some time…

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Dietrich from Sieghart’s Outfitters

Dietrich Sieghard didn’t take a lot of convincing, as you can see below. I present to you, images of Dietrich, and his storefront, for your ease of access.

Tevin Anastas from the Emporium

Tevin Anastas promised to have some thoughts about the promotional offer. Probably because I helped him with the Headlock. Here are the pictures of Emporium and Tevin, so that you can spot them more easily.

Paige Overton from Enhance!

Paige doesn’t make promises, but hey, at least we tried. If you need help spotting Enhance! store and Paige Overton in Neon, take a glimpse at the slideshow below.

Minerva Clement from the Vol II Hotel

Minerva looks like she is up for it. Trust me, I can smell a sale from a mile away. Vol II Hotel can be easily recognized in the streets, but I’ll provide you pictures of the storefront as well as the picture of Minerva below, just in case.

Doctor Manning from the Reliant Medical

Doctor Manning knows what’s up, and he sees the value of the cross-promotion immediately. He is a fine businessman and probably a great doctor, too! Here is what Doctor Manning looks like and the storefront of Reliant Medical:

I truly hope you liked this guide here at Prima Games. If you lack Digipicks and want to do some massive lockpicking, check out Where to buy Digipicks in Starfield.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.

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