Star Wars Battlefront Guide to Power-Ups

Use the Blaster Cannon, Infantry Turret and more to pulverize the Rebellion and Empire.

Star Wars Battlefront features a good amount of customization, with powerful Star Cards and weapons unlocks. Additionally, you can change the course of the game with different power-ups and pick-ups, whether it’s something direct like a Smart Rocket or the all-powerful Orbital Strike.

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With that in mind, this is the complete list of power-ups in Battlefront. Grab these items and crush those pesky Rebels or Imperials, depending on which faction you prefer to destroy. 


Blaster Cannon: This lets you set up a temporary turret on stable ground to add extra firepower when the situation calls for it. With a strong rate of fire and impressive range, you’ll rain laser fire on your adversaries. 

Card Refresh: Use it to instantly refill all of your Star Card abilities so you can get around to using them again. It’s great if you need a Jump Pack or a powerful weapon sooner than later. 

Infantry Turret: This works in a similar manner to the Blaster Cannon, but instead of manually controlling the weapon, it fires automatically at enemies who walk into its range. Be careful – it’s vulnerable and can be destroyed from behind, but packs a punch while it lasts. Use it near chokepoints or around mission objectives. 

Orbital Strike: The name says it all. Pull out your binoculars to target a specific zone on the map, then call in air support to obliterate the space with a bombing run. 

Proximity Bomb: Remember the proximity mines from Goldeneye? This packs more of a punch, since you can set up this bomb to detonate whenever someone gets within range. The only downside is that it starts beeping when someone enters the zone, so they might be able to escape the ensuing blast. 

Sensor Droid: Either with the Viper Probe Droid (Imperial) or Astromech Droid (Rebel), you’ll find this little bot helpful, as it can lock on to certain enemies with its shots and look for other droids, creating a temporary scan pulse so you can get an idea where some enemies are located.

Smart Rocket: If you have an enemy within range but can’t quite hit him or her with your normal weapon, the Smart Rocket will get the job done. Simply lock onto a foe or vehicle, then fire away and watch the target go boom! 

Squad Shield: Looking for protection against incoming enemies? The Squad Shield creates a temporary shield that surrounds an area for approximately 30 seconds. If you’re trying to keep an objective point safe or want to help your team recover from an ambush, this is excellent.

Thermal Imploder: The Thermal Detonator deals quite a bit of damage, but it has nothing on the Thermal Imploder. With this, you can create a much larger explosion covering a greater range. This is good for clearing enemies from a small space or doing major damage to a nearby vehicle. 

Vehicle Turret: Like the Infantry turret, this will fire automatically on enemies who get close to you, but instead of shooting lasers, it lets loose with a barrage of missiles, creating a bigger bang as a result. You’ll want to use this in overly populated areas where vehicles come through quite often, but beware, it can be destroyed as well. 

Field Power-Ups

These are the power-ups you’ll find in Supremacy and Walker Assault modes, and some of them are game changers. 

Air Vehicle: Grabbing one of these will instantly put you behind the controls of an X-Wing, T-47 Airspeeder or A-Wing on the Rebel side, or a TIE Fighter or Interceptor on the Empire side. One tap of a button and you can show off aerial superiority. 

AT-ST: On the Imperial side, you’ll be able to use this walking vehicle to fire down at enemies while still gaining a good amount of speed. Be careful, though – it’s quite vulnerable from behind.

AT-AT: The Imperials have another advantage with this large vehicle, and while you can’t control which way it goes, you can use the various head cannons to do major damage to enemy ground forces. Enjoy it while it lasts, though. (For use in Walker Assault only.) 

Hero: We covered Heroes in Battlefront before. These powerful do far more damage than your routine soldier. They include Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Emperor Palpatine and Boba Fett. 


Finally, these random power-ups automatically apply the second you pick them up. They’re not as strong as the others, but are still useful. 

Charge: You’ll gain a +1 Charge on your character. You’re likely to find these in the Battle and Survival modes more than anywhere else.

Hero Vehicle: Available in Fighter Squadron, this lets you take control of either the Millennium Falcon (Rebels) or the Slave-1 (Imperial), depending on which side you fight for. Both have better firepower and stronger shielding than the usual ships. 

Extra Life: For use in Survival mode, this will provide you with an extra life, which is immediately added to your collection. Once you lose a life, it’ll kick in and you can continue. 

Vehicle Repair: Available for both Fighter Squadron and the Beggar’s Canyon Training mission, this will undo any damage to your airborne vehicle.

Ability Refresh: Once you snag this in Fighter Squadron mode, you’ll be able to use your abilities immediately, whether they’re special weapons or evasive maneuvers. 

Become an expert with our free Star Wars Battlefront Guide, where we tell you how to master Walker Assault and find all of the collectibles in Survival Mode.

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