The Last of Us Part 2 Has a Nifty Warhammer Easter Egg

The Last of Us Part 2 is a massive game and has a pretty nifty little Easter egg for Warhammer fans!

The Last of Us Part 2 is much more detailed than its predecessor, which means the amount of Easter eggs to discover also saw a significant jump. From PlayStation Vitas to nods to other PS titles, the Last of Us sequel is rife with little nuggets to find, including a small little Easter egg for Warhammer fans. 

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While we reviewed the game here at Prima, we somehow missed it in our first playthrough! Luckily, a close friend shared a screenshot of three Warhammer figures atop a desk, which we thought was pretty cool considering the world-state is literally the apocalypse. 

As far as where this Easter egg can be found, it’s located in the hidden room in Seattle Day 1. This is just one of the many Easter eggs players will find within the game, which is a nice break in levity given the severe nature of the story itself.

The Last of Us Part 2 will break the player in ways that are surprising. It’s dark, it’s reeking of a survivor’s desperation, and it takes everything that made the first one so good and makes it more gruesome, more despairing, and much harder to play through. A phenomenal story, but one that we recommended in our review to take special care with before diving in. It’s designed to get under the player’s skin and that’s exactly what this sequel does. 

There are a bunch of other Easter eggs to find, here are some of our favorites that we’ve seen players share: 

As for the game itself, The Last of Us Part 2 is available now on PlayStation 4 with PlayStation 5 ports planned for the future. You can learn more about the game with our game hub here, including tips and tricks. You can also see some of our more popular coverage below: 

Thoughts on The Last of Us Part 2 so far? Find any other Easter eggs that made you excited? Sound off with your thoughts over on Twitter @PrimaGames!

About the Author

Liana Ruppert

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at!

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