What Does The Baron’s Journal Book Do in Death Must Die? – Answered

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Baron's Journal Death Must Die
Screenshot by Prima Games

You may have noticed a variety of books in Death Must Die that keep taking spots in your inventory. One of the significant lore pieces is the Baron’s Journal book series, and you can find out below what these books do and where to find them.

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What Can You Do With The Baron’s Journal Books in Death Must Die

The current purpose of The Baron’s Journal Books is to give some insight into the “lore” of Death Must Die. They may grant some powers or achievements in the future, but it’s too early (in the game’s development) to tell. If any changes come up, we’ll update this article.

Where to Find The Baron’s Journal Books in Death Must Die

I have found all The Baron’s Journal books on the first level – The Outer Circle. As soon as you spot a book rack (like the one in the image at the start of the article), approach it and press E. You won’t always get the book you want/need, but you’ll inevitably complete the collection since you can’t get a duplicate. The Baron’s Journal reveals lore about the final boss of the first level. You can check out the rest of the lore pieces as well.

The Baron’s Journal 1/5

Countless moons I spent building my legacy, myriad sacrifices made. Yet, in a mere moment, all was undone – a wooden stake, wielded by that perfidious professor.

But in despair’s heart, an obscure path was revealed. An offer from Death himself, which I embraced. Soon, Helsing will join these timeless realms, and it will be I who shall savor the last, resonating mirth.

Unique Mythic – Lore

The Baron’s Journal 2/5

By Death’s decree, I am now Baron of the Outer Circle. Whilst some may deem this title lesser than my former status as Count, I embrace it as a new chapter of rebirth. Indeed, my powers here grow with a fervor unknown before.

Still, the burden of deeds remains. I pounder seeking Death’s counsel on the matter of my own conscription.

Unique Mythic – Lore

The Baron’s Journal 3/5

A conundrum. To Death, I made my please for the privilege to recruit mine own vassal and it has been met with an ample proposition. Alas, it entails the repossession of Van Helsing’s soul unto the urns. I surmise ’twas Mort that persuaded him to impose this condition. She seems to possess a peculiar leniency towards mortals.

Perchance, mine own thirst for vengeance hath been quenched enough. One can only hope that this Necromancer proves a worthy trade for such a sacrifice.

Unique Mythic – Lore

The Baron’s Journal 4/5

The Lady of the Lake, her tenure here far outspans my own. Her powers, subtle and pervasive, unfuse this land. Even the blade of grass under my dominion carry her signature scent.

Enamored am I, my former wives now distant echoes. Alas, in this liaison, it seems the scales of power are tipped in her favor.

Unique Mythic – Lore

The Baron’s Journal 5/5

The bond with the Lady of the Lake hath dissolved. Though eternity be vast, the sting of this rupture lingers. She hath spurned and forsaken me.

My thoughts now turn to companions of a different sort. These gargoyles of which I’ve heard, they shall serve me well. Indeed, I stand in need of added strength to safeguard my dominion.

Unique Mythic – Lore

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About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.

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