Marvel Snap OTA Balance Updates – May 25th 2023

Bye Felicia...

Image via Marvel Snap

Black Bolt got Nerfed, Stature got Nerfed, Negasonic Teenage Warhead got Buffed, and Invisible Woman got Buffed. That’s the news. Pretty neat adjustments to the meta. The “Good Cards” deck has received a small hit, which should slow it down just a bit since it’s becoming predominant in the meta. Without further ado, here are all the balance changes and updates in this week’s OTA Balance Update for Marvel Snap.

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Buff and Nerf List for Marvel Snap OTA Changes for May 25, 2023

We will begin with the quote from Second Dinner:

We’re back with another set of OTA balance changes! You’ll see below that we’re once again making four small adjustments to the cards, but we also have another change for our set of locations as well as an update on the future of our approach to OTAs.

Black Bolt Nerf in Marvel Snap

[Old] 5/8 – On Reveal: Your opponent must discard the lowest-Cost card in their hand.

[New] 5/7 – On Reveal: Your opponent must discard the lowest-Cost card in their hand.

This one wasn’t on any of our bingo cards to start the year, but here we are. Black Bolt ascended to the top of our individual card leaderboards a couple weeks ago, and has remained there unchallenged ever since, with a frankly shocking average number of cubes won per game when drawn. However, his discard effect makes him the sort of card we don’t want topping that list. Furthermore, the deck he was fueling has also been quietly outperforming the field by a margin as high as Shuri or Thanos in their prime. While its game plan may feel more fair, it also has almost no bad matchups. Since the metagame hasn’t shifted to effectively contest this deck, we’ve decided Black Bolt’s day in the sun is over.

If you ask me, it’s a rightful nerf. Wouldn’t add anything.

Stature Nerf in Marvel Snap

[Old] 5/7 – Costs 1 if your opponent discarded a card from their hand this game.

[New] 5/6 – Costs 1 if your opponent discarded a card from their hand this game.

Uh, ditto? We have seen the numbers on the Black Bolt/Stature deck soften a little bit since our Wave change, which has been most impactful by turning a good matchup into a bad one. However, it’s still clearly the best deck, and our playtesting for some future decks also indicated that this change would be merited down the line. So, we’re making it now in order to ensure we see this deck fall from its lofty perch.

1/6 is crazy. And mind you, you will almost always “proc” Stature, because of Black Bolt, and because of rampant Discard Decks.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead Buff in Marvel Snap

[Old] 3/4 – After ANY card is played here, destroy this card AND that card.

[New] 3/5 – After ANY card is played here, destroy this card AND that card.

We hemmed and hawed a bit over whether to release Negasonic as 3/4 or 3/5 to start, and since then the data’s made it clear that we were too cautious. This change won’t make a huge difference–she often doesn’t wind up contributing her own Power to a location–but it does let her take the lead in some spots where she might previously have merely drawn, forcing your opponent to commit a card there to take it back. We did briefly debate exploring what she might look like as a 2-Cost card, but ultimately decided that might make her a little too strong as a counter to our weakest 6-Cost cards, the ones that only contest a single location.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a brilliant anti-meta card with one purpose – To DESTROY! In most cases, it wouldn’t have mattered if it’s 3/1 or 3/10 (emphasis on most) but hopefully, she sees more play.

Invisible Woman Buff in Marvel Snap

[Old] 2/2 – Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.

[New] 2/3 – Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.

The majority of Invisible Woman’s play has been supporting the combo lines in Hela decks and acting as a pseudo-Cosmo to protect Ongoing-based buff decks from being single-handedly defeated by Enchantress. We believe she has the potential to be an interesting occasional player in some other decks, and this stat buff may provide her with that opportunity. We did consider the potential impact to Cerebro-2 specifically, but we’ve given that deck a couple of recent buffs and expect it may benefit from more down the line. Plus, there’s always Cerebro-3.

Invisible Woman is indeed a great way to align Mystique with Cerebro without actually playing them one behind another, so people will find a way to have fun.

Location Changes in Marvel Snap (May 25 2023)

After some internal discussion of our goals for the location pool, we’ve decided to continue adjusting some of our most restrictive locations. There are meaningful gameplay and deckbuilding benefits to having these locations, but there are also diminishing returns to having many such locations that restrict play so harshly and similarly, especially two or more appearing in the same game. So, rather than further reducing the frequency with which these locations appear, we’ve decided to thin the ranks. As of today, we’ve temporarily removed the following three locations from the game:

  • Plunder Castle
  • Milano
  • Sandbar

We’re taking them back to design, where we’ll be finding brand new effects to implement for each one. Once those are playtested and approved, we’ll reintroduce them to the game. We’re not 100% sure what that will look like yet, but you can expect to see them return in the next few months.

Related: How to Get to Infinite Rank in Marvel Snap: Complete First-hand Experience Guide From a Card Game Enthusiast

They… listened to the community again? Wait, is this some push-and-pull strategy?

The Future of OTA Changes in Marvel Snap

This last month has been a lot of fun for the design team! The metagame has featured a diverse spread of interesting decks, even given the recent dominance of Black Bolt/Stature. We’ve appreciated the community’s positive reaction to our OTA balance philosophy as well as the changes themselves.

With the conclusion of this May trial, we’ve decided to continue making regular OTA updates to the game, at a slightly less frequent cadence. Rather than making balance changes on all three of the weeks between patches, we’ll be taking the week in the middle off. There are two primary contributing factors to this decision: 1) putting together these updates on tight deadlines was a bit more stressful than we’d like each week, and 2) having two OTA weeks in a row always meant we got little to no insight from the first week when locking in changes for the second.

To illustrate the cadence, it’ll look like this:

  • Patch week (usually Tuesday)
  • OTA week (Thursday)
  • Off week
  • OTA week (Thursday)
  • Patch week (usually Tuesday)
  • OTA week (Thursday)

Well, now you know when to tune in to Prima Games for future updates regarding Marvel Snap! We hope to see you soon, and we invite you to check out our Marvel Snap tag for more Marvel Snap content regarding deck analysis, card analysis, and game updates. Wanna build some good Nebula decks? Check out our guide on the best Nebula decks (with codes) here.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.

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