How to Make Gojo in Infinite Craft – Recipe Combination Guide

If you want Gojo, you need to be prepared to work (or craft).

A Jujutsu Kaisen anime screenshot of Satoru Gojo.
Screenshot via Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki

Gojo, as in Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen, is one of the more complex components to make in Infinite Craft. Read on for our full recipe guide.

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Infinite Craft: Gojo Recipe Combination Guide

The method to make Gojo in Infinite Craft is really complex, so we’ll split it into multiple processes along the way. Let’s start by making Katakana, the Japanese alphabet used predominantly for loan words.

How to Make Katakana in Infinite Craft

The first component you need to get Katakana in Infinite Craft is Delta. The following steps go over how to make Delta:

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Tree + Water = River
  • River + Earth = Delta

Next use Delta and your previously made components to make your way up to Alphabet, like so:

  • River + Tree = Paper
  • Paper + Paper = Book
  • Book + Delta = Alphabet

Your next order of business is to make Japan using the following steps:

  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Ocean
  • Ocean + Earth = Island
  • Island + Island = Continent
  • Continent + Mountain = Asia
  • Asia + Island = Japan

Last but certainly not least, combine Japan and Alphabet to get Katakana.

  • Japan + Alphabet = Katakana

How to Make Opposite in Infinite Craft

The next big component you’ll need to eventually make Gojo is Opposite. First, make a Phoenix by following these steps:

  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Fire = Ash
  • Ash + Fire = Phoenix

Next, make a Dragon and combine it with your Phoenix:

  • Plant + Water = Swamp
  • Swamp + Fire = Dragon
  • Dragon + Phoenix = Yin Yang

Afterward, you’ll want to make a Dust Bunny:

  • Dust + Dust = Sand
  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Glass + Glass = Window
  • Window + Wind = Curtain
  • Curtain + Dust = Dust Bunny

For some reason, Dust Bunny and Yin Yang combine into Opposite, which is a key component you’ll need later.

  • Dust Bunny + Yin Yang = Opposite

How to Make L in Infinite Craft

Using what you’ve already made, you can craft an anime character besides Gojo: L from Death Note. First, make Anime:

  • Japan + Book = Manga
  • Manga + Japan = Anime

Next, make a Detective that can become L:

  • Glass + Fire = Lens
  • Lens + Fire = Magnifying Glass
  • Magnifying Glass + Anime = Detective
  • Detective + Anime = L

How to Make “Katakana Ri” (リ) in Infinite Craft

Here’s where things start getting really weird. First, combine Katakana and Opposite to make Hiragana. So far, so good.

  • Katakana + Opposite = Hiragana

Next you’ll want to make ひらがなひらがな, or “Hiragana Hiragana.” You can do so using the following steps:

  • Alphabet + Book = Dictionary
  • Dictionary + Alphabet = Language
  • Language + Language = Translation
  • Translation + Language = Communication
  • Communication + Communication = Chat
  • Chat + Translation = Google Translate
  • Google Translate + Hiragana = ひらがなひらがな

For some reason, combining ひらがなひらがな and L from before results in リ, which is neither Hiragana nor L; it’s Katakana for “ri.” Either way, you’ll need this along the way to making Gojo.

  • ひらがなひらがな + L =

How to Make “Katakana To” (ト) in Infinite Craft

Next up is “Katakana To,” or ト. To do this, first, you want to make a Car.

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Fire = Engine
  • Engine + Window = Car

Then you’ll need to make the English letter T.

  • Plant + Steam = Tea
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Dandelion + Earth = Flower
  • Flower + Car = Carnation
  • Carnation + Tea = T

Next is some more Japanese, including ああ or two Hiragana “a,” ア or one Katakana “a,” タ or Katakana “Ta,” and finally ト.

  • Magnifying Glass + Fire = Sun
  • Sun + Sun = Sunflower
  • Fire + Wind = Smoke
  • Smoke + Sunflower = Smoke Signal
  • Smoke Signal + Wind = Message
  • Message + Message = Letter
  • Letter + Sunflower = A
  • A + ひらがなひらがな = ああ
  • ああ + Katakana =
  • ア + T =
  • タ + T =

How to Make Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in Infinite Craft

Start with making a Mangrove, like so:

  • Swamp + Tree = Mangrove

The next step is to make a Turtle, Ninja, and combine them:

  • Fire + Earth = Lava
  • Lava + Fire = Volcano
  • Volcano + Mangrove = Turtle
  • Turtle + Fire = Ninja
  • Ninja + Turtle = Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

How to Make Satori (サトリ) in Infinite Craft

Now we’ll make サトリ, or Satori in Katakana. First, make a Weed.

  • Dandelion + Plant = Weed

Then, make a Number (as in, the word “Number”):

  • Dandelion + Water = Wine
  • Wine + Water = Holy Water
  • Holy Water + Fire = Vampire
  • Vampire + Weed = Count
  • Count + Count = Number

After that, you’ll make your way up to サトリ:

  • Holy Water + Tree = Jesus
  • Jesus + Tree = Cross
  • Cross + Number = Roman Numeral
  • Roman Numeral + Mountain = M
  • M + Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles = S
  • S + ア =
  • サ + ト = サト
  • サト + リ = サトリ

How to Make Satoru in Infinite Craft

We’re nearly at our target component, but there’s still a few major steps left. First, make a Star:

  • Glass + Lens = Telescope
  • Telescope + Sun = Star

Then use that Star to make some Fame:

  • Dandelion + Tree = Wish
  • Wish + Tree = Money
  • Money + Star = Fame

Now you’ll want to use that Fame to make a Name for yourself:

  • Plant + Smoke = Incense
  • Incense + Sand = Snake
  • Snake + Dictionary = Anagram
  • Anagram + Fame = Name

The next step is to make カタカナ, or “Katakana” written in Katakana. Combine your “Double Hiragana” with itself to make Katakana in Japanese, then you’re ready to make “Japanese Name.”

  • ひらがなひらがな + ひらがなひらがな = カタカナ
  • カタカナ + Name = Japanese Name

In perhaps the oddest step of them all, the Japanese Name combined with サトリ is not Satori, but Satoru.

  • Japanese Name + サトリ = Satoru

How to Make Jujutsu Kaisen in Infinite Craft

Combine Satoru and Anime to make the one and only Satoru Gojo.

  • Satoru + Anime = Satoru Gojo

But that’s not what you came here for, isn’t it? You want the name Gojo by itself. First, make Jujutsu Kaisen:

  • Satoru Gojo + Katakana = Jujutsu Kaisen

How to Make Student in Infinite Craft

As part of the last few steps to make Gojo in Infinite Craft, use the following steps to make Student:

  • Ash + Tree = Pencil
  • Pencil + Book = Homework
  • Homework + Book = Student

Finally, How to Make Gojo in Infinite Craft

At long last, use Student, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Fire to finally make Gojo like so:

  • Student + Jujutsu Kaisen = Yuji Itadori
  • Yuji Itadori + Fire = Gojo

Now you finally have both Satoru Gojo and Gojo. If after all that you still want to craft more whacky components, check out our guides on Infinite Craft recipes for other iconic anime characters like Peter Griffin.

About the Author

Niki Fakhoori

Niki’s love for video games encompasses a wide range of genres, but she is especially fond of RPGs, adventure games, visual novels, simulation games, and fighting games. Her favorite video game-related pastime is asking her unwieldy backlog why she doesn’t have any new games to play. When she isn’t playing or writing about video games, she’s playing with cats, journaling, painting, or obsessing over the latest news in the world of stationery and planners.

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