How to Farm Seeds of Hatred in Diablo 4

PvP cosmetics with no muss or fuss

Wealth comes and goes in Diablo 4, wealth is key. We’re always on a quest to hoard as many resources as possible. Seeds of Hatred are no different, but they can be some of the hardest currency to get. Here’s the best way to farm Seeds of Hatred in Diablo 4.

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How to Quickly Farm Seeds of Hatred in Diablo 4

There are a handful of cosmetics that can only be obtained from Red Sands, which are extracted directly from Seeds of Hatred. But Seeds of Hatred aren’t easy to get. You’ll have to brave the Fields of Hatred and your fellow players to get them. Which makes farming them quickly and efficiently very important.

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Seeds of Hatred will drop in the following ways:

  • Defeating a Seething Abomination – At least 1,000 – 3,000 Seeds of Hatred
  • Baleful Chests (must be Bloodmarked) – At least 1,000
  • Completing Events – At least 1,000
  • Defeating Elite Enemies – At least 200
  • Defeating normal enemies – At least 40

These numbers vary depending on what World Tier you’re at. The higher the World Tier, the more Seeds of Hatred will drop, and the denser the mobs. Despite that, the best strategy for farming Seeds of Hatred Remains the same.

The Best Way to Farm Seeds of Hatred in Diablo 4

Find someone to farm with you. There are plenty of LFG sites where you can easily find people who are happy to farm in the Fields of Hatred. Having people with you will ensure you kill mobs faster and have added DPS if someone tries to kill you. The downside? You’ll need to share Seeds of Hatred. Decide beforehand how you’ll be splitting the drops.

Locate two Altars of Extraction that will be your home base. Ideally positioned far away from the nearby town. Try to avoid using the same Altar twice in a row. Doing so will likely draw attention to your location.

If there is an event nearby, complete it. Doing so will not only net you at least 1,000 Seeds of Hatred from the Chest, but also bring multiple Elite enemies to your position.

Once the event is over, start the Extraction Ritual. I recommend converting your Seeds every time you reach 1,000 – 2,000. This ensures that if you do die, not much time is wasted. If there’s a high-level bloodthirsty player in the area, wait until someone else begins a ritual. Once another ritual has started, begin yours. It’s likely that most player killers will be headed to the first ritual site.

Kill Elite enemies until the event respawns. Elite enemies offer an easy way to get 1,000 Seeds of Hatred quickly. Select a lane that goes between your two Altars, like the bottom half of the Fields of Hatred, and run along it back and forth, killing enemies as they respawn. Eventually, the event will reappear in the same place, allowing you to farm it again.

If you’re confident in your PvP abilities, collect Baleful Chests. Baleful Chests spawn around the map and require you to be Bloodmarked to interact with them. If you are Bloodmarked, they grant you over 1,000 Seeds of Hatred. I’ve found four doing a circuit around the map, which did not respawn after thirty minutes, so it’s likely a time-gated resource.

If you see someone killing a lot in your kill feed, leave. You might have noticed that I don’t mention killing people to get Seeds of Hatred. That’s because it’s high risk and the outcome isn’t guaranteed. They might have 2,000 seeds; they might have none. Your time is better spent getting guaranteed Seeds from Elites and Events.

If a lot of people are dying quickly, stay. My best farming sessions have happened when there’s an all-out war in the Fields of Hatred, with the same group of people killing each other over and over. Because they’re so occupied with each other, it’s unlikely they’ll see you Extracting in the corner of the map. But be wary. If the kill feed slows down, they’ll go directly to your Extraction point. Wait until the killing either begins again or someone else begins extraction.

Related: How to Get Free Mount Trophies and Armor in Diablo 4

How to Not Die While Extracting in the Fields of Hatred

You are at your most vulnerable when you’re converting your Seeds of Hatred into Red Dust. Thus, surviving this process is paramount. Here’s the best way to do it.

Use an Elixir or Incense to boost your attributes, either offensively or defensively. I prefer defensively when farming, as surviving is my priority when farming.

Select an Altar of Extraction that’s far away from the town’s entrance. Once you’ve found your Altar, you can wait for another person to start a ritual before you start yours, to lessen the odds of someone targeting you.

Once the ritual begins, you’ll have to survive for 50 seconds. Select a position that gives you a good line of sight to the entrance of your Altar space and monitor the mini map. If someone’s approaching, you’ll see a dot.

Most people lose one-on-one matchups for three reasons: equipment gaps, bad positioning, or bad skill management. But It’s very possible to beat someone who’s much higher level than you if you have superior positioning and skill management.

The majority of players entering an Altar intending to kill use this combo: a movement ability to get close to you, a big offensive move, followed by a Defensive move. For this reason, you’ll need to be prepared to use a movement ability like Teleport to get out of range of their attack. That’s why having a line of sight on the entrance is such a priority.

If they’ve used a defensive move that makes them invulnerable, hold your Ultimate until they’re open to attack, using your evade as necessary to keep your distance.

Once they’re vulnerable, slap them with your Ultimate. If they’re close to dead, go aggressive, as that usually means their abilities are on cooldown. If you didn’t break through their shields, go evasive and try to outlast the clock on the Ritual.

Dying is part of the farming process. It will happen. But it’s better if it happens after the Ritual succeeds.

Incense can make PvE and PvP so much easier. And yet, many players have no idea where to get it. If you’d like to get this fragrant booster, check out our guide here:  How to Get Incense in Diablo 4.

About the Author

Daphne Fama

A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms

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