Call of Duty: Ghosts Domination Tips

Tips and tricks to help you take out the competition playing Domination in Call of Duty: Ghosts.

The Domination game mode in Call of Duty: Ghosts is about the capture and control of three separate flags on the map. Slightly less intense than Cranked or Blitz, yet more objective based than Team Deathmatch, Domination has long been a staple of the franchise. The game mode features one flag close to your spawn, one close to the opposition spawn and one highly contested flag in the middle of the map. Controlling two of the three flags for the majority of the game will ensure victory for your team.

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Choose Your Initial Approach

One of the most vital decisions a player and team can make at the beginning of the game is what objective to head for first. The majority of players will head straight for the flag closest to their spawn, snagging some easy points. Something that you might want to consider is a direct sprint to the middle objective. Featuring the most intense fighting, the center flag tends not to change hands as frequently as the two on the perimeter. By snagging this objective right from the start of the round, you not only get your team out to an early lead, but you give them a major tactical advantage.

Why Spawn Camping is a Tactical Mistake

Even though the maps in Ghosts are larger than previous Call of Duty games, they aren’t huge. Players will spawn at the objectives they control. If you control your natural objective (the one near your initial spawn point) and the center, just focus on defending those flags. When you take the third objective, leaving your opponents with none, they will start to spawn all over the map and behind your team’s line of defense. By allowing the enemy to keep one objective, you keep them spawning at that location and in front of you. Besides, being spawn camped isn’t fun, and leads to players quitting. If the opposing team quits, that doesn’t make for much of a game.

The Importance of Flanking

Let’s assume that you’re losing the game and only control one flag. Most of your team will almost certainly bang their heads against the brick wall that is the middle objective. Take this opportunity to travel along one of the flank routes to the opposition’s initial flag. If your initial flag is “A,” than theirs would be the “C.” By taking their natural objective (or even threatening to take it), you force them to turn their attention away from “B,” giving your team an opportunity to take over the middle ground.

Choose Your Strike Packages Wisely

For the player with patience, high kill streaks are often more easily achieved in Domination. You frequently deal with players who blindly run to objectives, making easy targets of themselves. So what kill streak should you use? Well, think about the situation you’re using them in. Kill streaks can be used to clear entire enemy teams off an objective. Consider using the Sentry Gun or Trinity Rockets. The Sentry Gun can be setup to lay down fire in a specific direction. Try putting it in a window that faces one of the flags to maximize its damage. As for the Trinity Rockets, they are expended much more quickly, but if you catch a few opposing players laying on an objective, the kills can pile up quickly. Save the Trinity Rockets until you’re losing the “B” flag and then use them to defend it.

Forget Your Kill / Death Ratio

This is one game mode where your KDR just doesn’t matter. Yes, it’s nice to stay in the positive and earn some kill streaks, but the winner of the game is the team that controls the majority of the flags for the longest period of time. If you’re not concerned with how many kills or deaths you take in a round, this game mode might be right in your wheelhouse. Try moving from objective to objective, always keeping the pressure on the opposition.


Be sure to stick with Prima Games for more information on everything related to Call of Duty: Ghosts, including the free multiplayer guide.

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