All Marvel Snap Cards Listed (April 2023)

The complete collection list!

Marvel Snap is taking hold of every possible CCG and Marvel lover, with millions of players on all available platforms. Of course, you are not able to play all of the cards in the game immediately – there’s grinding to be done. We’ve gathered up a list of all the available and upcoming cards in Marvel Snap. This took a while to assemble, but it was worth it!

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List of Every Marvel Snap Card (April 2023)

The list will be updated as soon as we hear the news of new content coming to the game. Also, make sure to check out the following guides as they might be useful to you if you’re just starting out:

Card NameCard SetEnergy CostPowerCard Text (Ability)
AbominationStarter Card59No Ability
Absorbing Man343On Reveal, If the last card you played has an On Reveal ability, this card copies it.
Adam Warlock320At the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, draw a card.
Aero358On Reveal: Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location.
Agatha Harkness3614Agatha starts in your hand and plays your cards for you.
Agent 13212On Reveal: Add a random card to your hand.
Agent Coulson334On Reveal: Add a random 4-cost and 5-cost card to your hand.
America Chavez169You always draw this card on turn 6, and not before.
Angel112When one of your cards is destroyed, this flies out of your deck to replace it.
Angela120When you play a card here, +2 Power.
Ant-ManRecruit Season11Ongoing: If you have 3 other cards here, +3 Power.
Apocalypse168When you discard this from your hand, put it back with +4 Power.
Armor123Ongoing: Cards at this location can’t be destroyed.
Arnim Zola360On Reveal: Destroy a random friendly card here; add copies of it to the other locations.
Attuma3410If you have another card here at the end of your turn, destroy this.
Baron Mordo323On Reveal: Your opponent draws a card, increase its cost by 1
Bast411On Reveal: Set the Power of all cards in your hand to 3.
Beast322On Reveal: Return your other cards at this location to your hand. They cost 1 less.
Bishop131When you play a card, this gains +1 Power.
Black Bolt358On Reveal: Your opponent must discard the lowest-Cost card in their hand.
Black Cat337If this is in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it.
Black KnightUNRELEASED12When this is destroyed, draw a card.
Black Panther454On Reveal: Double this card’s Power.
Black Widow321On Reveal: Add a Widow’s Bite to your opponent’s hand.
Blade113On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand.
BlinkUNRELEASED31You can move this each turn. When it moves, +1 Power.
BlobUNRELEASED34Ongoing: Nothing can move this to another location.
Blue MarvelRecruit Season53Ongoing: Your other cards have +1 Power.
Brood332On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power.
Bucky Barnes221When this is destroyed, create the Winter Soldier in its place.
BullseyeUNRELEASED12On Reveal: The next card you draw will be a 2-Cost card (if any are left).
Cable122On Reveal: Put the bottom card of your opponent’s deck into your hand.
Captain America133Ongoing: Your other cards at this location have +1 Power.
Captain Marvel356After the final turn, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
Carnage122On Reveal: Destroy your other cards here. +2 Power for each destroyed.
Cerebro330Ongoing: Your highest power cards get +2 Power.
Cloak224On Reveal: Next turn, both players can move cards to this location.
Colleen Wing324On Reveal: Discard the lowest-cost card from your hand.
ColossusRecruit Season23Ongoing: Can’t be destroyed, moved, or have its power reduced.
Cosmo133Ongoing: On Reveal Abilities won’t happen at this location.
Crossbones348You can only play this at locations where you are winning.
Crystal344On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 3 cards.
CyclopsStarter Card34No Ability
Dagger322When this moves to a location, +2 Power for each card your opponent has there.
Daredevil322On turn 5, you get to see your opponent’s plays before you make your own.
Darkhawk440Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent’s deck.
Dazzler434Ongoing: If you have 4 cards at each location, +6 Power.
Deadpool311When this card is destroyed, return it to your hand with double the power.
Death3912Cost 1 less for each card destroyed in this game.
Deathlok135On Reveal: Destroy your other cards at this location.
Debrii333On Reveal: Add a Rock to each other location, for both players.
DemonN/A16A deal is a deal.
Destroyer3615On Reveal: Destroy your other cards.
Devil Dinosaur153Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your hand.
Doctor Doom365On Reveal: Add a 5-Power Doombot to each other location.
Doctor Octopus3510On Reveal: Pull 4 random cards from your opponent’s hand to their side of this location.
Doctor Strange133On Reveal: Move your highest power cards to this location.
Domino123You always draw this card on turn 2, and not before.
DoombotN/A55No Ability.
Dracula340After the final turn, discard a card from your hand. This has its Power.
Drax344On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +4 Power.
DroneN/A11No Ability.
Ebony Maw217You can’t play this after turn 3. Ongoing: You can’t play cards here.
Electro332On Reveal: +1 Max Energy. Ongoing: You can only play 1 card a turn.
Elektra111On Reveal: Destroy a random enemy 1-Cost card at this location.
Elsa BloodstoneUNRELEASED11At the end of each turn, if you are winning this location, +1 Power.
Enchantress144On Reveal: Remove the abilities from all Ongoing cards at this location.
Falcon323On Reveal: Return your 1-Cost cards to your hand.
Forge121On Reveal: Give the next card you play +2 Power.
Galactus562On Reveal: If this is your only card here, destroy all other locations.
Gambit331Discards a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
GamoraRecruit Season57On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +4 Power.
Ghost512Ongoing: Your cards are always revealed last. (Their On Reveal abilities happen last.)
Ghost Rider343On Reveal: Bring back one of your discarded cards (to this location).
Ghost-SpiderUNRELEASED57Costs 0 if your opponent discarded a card from their hand this game.
Giganto3614You can only play this at the left location.
Goose322Ongoing: Nobody can play 4, 5, or 6-Cost cards at this location.
Green Goblin33-3On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this.
Groot134On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +3 Power.
HawkeyeStarter Card11On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +2 Power.
Hazmat322On Reveal: Give all other cards -1 Power.
Heimdall168On Reveal: Move your other cards one location to the left.
Hela366On Reveal: Play all cards you discarded from your hand to random locations.
Helicarrier3610When you discard this from your hand, add 3 random cards to your hand.
Hellcow346On Reveal: Discard 2 cards from your hand.
Hit MonkeyN/A20On Reveal: Gain +3 Power for each other card you played this turn.
Hobgoblin25-8On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of this.
HulkStarter Card612
Hulk Buster134On Reveal: Merge this card with a random friendly card at this location.
Human Torch312When this moves, double its Power.
Iceman212On Reveal: Give a random card in your opponent’s hand +1 Cost. (Maximum 6).
Invisible Woman322Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.
Iron Fist112On Reveal: Move the next card you play one location to the left after it reveals.
Iron ManStarter Card50Ongoing: Your total Power is doubled at this location.
IronheartRecruit Season30On Reveal: Give 3 other cards +2 Power.
Jane Foster358On Reveal: Draw all cards that Cost 0 from your deck.
Jean GreyUNRELEASED33On Reveal: The next card your opponent plays must be played here, if possible.
Jessica JonesLevel 1-1444On Reveal: If you don’t play a card here next turn, +4 Power.
Jubilee241On Reveal: Play the top card of your deck at this location.
Juggernaut333On Reveal: If your opponent played cards here this turn, move them randomly.
Kang550On Reveal: Look at what your opponent did, then restart the turn. (Without Kang)
Ka-zarLevel 1-1444Ongoing: Your 1-Cost Cards have +1 Power.
Killmonger233On Reveal: Destroy ALL 1-Cost cards.
Kingpin334When a Card moves here on turn 6, destroy it.
Kitty Pryde512You can pull this back to your hand at any time.
Klaw154Ongoing: +5 Power at the location to the right.
Knull460Ongoing: Has the combined Power of all cards destroyed this game.
Korg112On Reveal: Shuffle a Rock into the opponent’s deck.
Kraven122When a card moves here, this gets +2 Power.
Lady DeathstrikeUNRELEASED64On Reveal: Destroy the enemy card with the highest Power at this location.
Lady Sif134On Reveal: Discard the highest-cost card from your hand.
Leader367On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played to the location right of here, but on your side.
Leech253On Reveal: Remove the abilities from all cards in your opponent’s hand.
LegionUNRELEASED54On Reveal: Change the other locations into this location.
Lizard125Ongoing: -3 Power if your opponent has 4 cards here.
Lockjaw332When you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.
Luke Cage321Ongoing: Your cards can’t have their Power reduced.
M.O.D.O.K.558On Reveal: Discard your hand.
M’Baku312If this is in your deck at the end of the game, it jumps to a random location.
Magik353On Reveal: Change this location to ‘Limbo’. You can’t play this on Turn 6.
Magneto3612On Reveal: Move all opposing 3 and 4-Cost cards to this location.
MakkariUNRELEASED02When you draw this, place it at a random location.
Mantis112On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, draw a card from their deck.
Maria Hill323On Reveal: Add a random 1-Cost card to your hand.
Master Mold522On Reveal: Add 2 Sentinel to your opponent’s hand.
Maximus337On Reveal: Your opponent draws 2 cards.
MedusaStarter Card22On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, +2 Power.
MephistoUNRELEASED60If you win this game, double your winnings.
Miles Morales345If a card moved last turn, this costs 1.
MirageUNRELEASED45As you play this, disguise it as Mister Fantastic. After the final turn, reveal it.
Mister FantasticLevel 1-1432Ongoing: Adjacent locations have +2 Power.
Mister Negative34-1On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck.
Mister Sinister122On Reveal: Add a Sinister Clone to this location with the same Power.
Misty KnightStarter Card12No Ability
Mojo322Ongoing: If both players have 4 cards at this location, +6 Power.
MonsterN/A69No Ability
Moon Girl144On Reveal: Duplicate your hand.
Moon Knight333On Reveal: Discard a card from each player’s hand.
Morbius220Ongoing: +2 Power for each card you discarded from your hand this game.
Morph130On Reveal: Become a copy of a random card in your opponent’s hand.
Ms MarvelUNRELEASED34Ongoing: If this is your only card here, adjacent locations have +5 Power.
Multiple Man123When this moves, add a copy to the old location.
Mysterio324As you play this, play Illusions to other locations. Disguise this as an Illusion until the game ends.
Mystique330On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing ability, this card gains it.
Nakia232On Reveal: Give the 2 leftmost cards in your hand +2 Power.
Namor146Ongoing: +5 Power if this is your only card here.
NebulaUNRELEASED11On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, x2 Power and put this in your hand.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead532When any card is played here, destroy this card AND that card.
Nick Fury357On Reveal: Add 3 random 6-Cost cards to your hand.
NightcrawlerLevel 1-1412You can move this once.
Nimrod555When this is destroyed, add a copy to each other Location.
Nova111When this is destroyed, give your other cards +1 Power.
OdinLevel 1-1468On Reveal: Activate the On Reveal abilities of your other cards at this location.
Okoye222On Reveal: Give every card in your deck +1 Power.
Omega Red345Ongoing: If you’re ahead by 10 power here, +4 power to other locations.
Onslaught167Ongoing: Double your other Ongoing effects at this location.
Orka369Ongoing: +5 Power if this is your only card here.
Patriot331Ongoing: Your cards with no abilities have +2 Power.
Polaris335On Reveal: Move an opposing 1 or 2-Cost card to this location.
Professor X153Ongoing: Lockdown this location. (Cards can’t be added, removed, or destroyed.)
Psylocke321On Reveal: Next turn, you get +1 Energy.
Quake323On Reveal: If this is at the middle location, swap the positions of each location.
QuicksilverStarter Card12Starts in your opening hand.
Quinjet312Ongoing: Cards that didn’t start in your deck cost 1 less.
Red GuardianUNRELEASED36On Reveal: You must play a card here next turn.
Red Skull3513Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +1 Power.
Rescue344On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +5 Power.
Rhino233On Reveal: Ruin this location. (remove its ability)
Rocket Raccoon112On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +2 Power.
Rockslide346On Reveal: Shuffle 2 useless Rocks into your opponent’s deck.
Rogue331On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location.
Ronan the Accuser353Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent’s hand.
Sabretooth234When this is destroyed, return it to your hand. It costs 0.
Sandman255Ongoing: Players can only play 1 card a turn.
Sauron433On Reveal: Remove the abilities from all Ongoing cards in your hand and deck.
Scarlet Witch123On Reveal: Replace this location with a random new one.
Scorpion222On Reveal: Afflict cards in your opponent’s hand with -1 Power.
SentinelStarter Card23On Reveal: Add another Sentinelto your hand.
Sentry4410Cannot be played at the right location. On Reveal: Add a -8 Power Void to the right location.
Sera354Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)
Shadow King443On Reveal: Set all cards here to their original base Power.
Shanna442On Reveal: Add a random 1-Cost card to each location.
Shang-Chi243On Reveal: Destroy all enemy cards at this location that have 9 or more Power.
She-Hulk369Costs 1 less for each unspent Energy last turn.
ShockerStarter Card23No Ability
Shuri442On Reveal: Double the Power of the next card you play.
SilkUNRELEASED45When either player draws a card, set its cost to 6.
Silver SableUNRELEASED26You can only play this at a location where you have 6+ total Power.
Silver SamuraiUNRELEASED12When this is discarded from your hand, draw a card.
Silver Surfer432On Reveal: Give your other 3-Cost cards +2 Power.
SnowguardUNRELEASED12If you haven’t played this by turn 3, transform into a random spirit animal.
SpectrumLevel 1-1465On Reveal: Give your Ongoing cards +2 Power.
Spider-Man343On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn
Spider-Woman158On Reveal: Inflict all enemy cards here with -1 Power.
Squirrel Girl111On Reveal: Add a 1-Power Squirrel to each other location.
Star-LordStarter Card22On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +3 Power.
Stature557Costs 1 if your opponent discarded a card from their hand this game.
Storm232On Reveal: Flood this location. Next turn is the last turn cards can be played here.
Strong Guy144Ongoing: If your hand is empty, +6 Power.
StryfeUNRELEASED37If your opponent has 12+ Power here at the end of any turn, destroy this.
Sunspot211At the end of each turn, gain +1 Power for each unspent Energy.
Super Skrull442Ongoing: Has the Ongoing effects of all enemy cards.
SurturUNRELEASED50If you move the Human Torch to this location, +10 Power.
Swarm223When this is discarded from your hand, add two 0-Cost copies to your hand.
Sword Master136On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand.
Taskmaster350On Reveal: Set this card’s Power equal to the Power of the last card you played.
Thanos5610At the start of the game, shuffle the six Infinity Stones into your deck.
The Collector221When a card enters your hand from anywhere (except your deck), +2 Power.
The Hood31-2On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand.
The Infinaut2620If you played a card last turn, you can’t play this.
The PunisherStarter Card32Ongoing: +1 Power for each opposing card at this location.
The ThingStarter Card46No Ability
The VoidN/A47No Ability
Thor334On Reveal: Shuffle Mjölnir into your deck.
Titania315When ANY card is played at this location, this card switches sides.
Typhoid Mary3410Ongoing: Your other cards have -1 Power.
Uatu the Watcher112Once this is in your hand, you can see unrevealed locations.
Ultron368On Reveal: Create four 1-Power Drones at each adjacent location.
Uncle BenUNRELEASED12When this card is destroyed, add Spider-Man to your hand.
Valkyrie453On Reveal: Set ALL cards at this location to 3 Power.
Venom331On Reveal: Destroy your other cards at this location. Add their Power to this card.
Viper323On Reveal: Your opponent gains control of one of your other cards at this location.
Vision257You can move this each turn.
Vulture233When this card moves, +5 Power.
War MachineUNRELEASED45Ongoing: Your 1-Cost cards have +1 Power.
Warpath245Ongoing: If any of your locations are empty, +4 Power.
Wasp301No Ability
Wave333On Reveal: Next turn, cards in both players’ hands cost 4.
White Queen146On Reveal: Draw a copy of the highest cost card in your opponent’s hand.
White TigerLevel 1-1451On Reveal: Add a 7-Power Tiger to another location.
Widow’s BiteN/A00While this is in your hand, cards in your deck cannot be drawn.
Winter SoldierN/A26No Ability.
WolfsbaneLevel 1-1431On Reveal: +2 Power for each other card you have here.
Wolverine122When this card is discarded or destroyed, regenerate it at a random location with +2 Power.
Wong342Ongoing: Your On Reveal abilities at this location happen twice.
Yellowjacket302On Reveal: Afflict your other cards at this location with -1 Power.
Yondu112On Reveal: Remove the top card of your opponent’s deck.
Yo-YoUNRELEASED12When this card moves, move it back with +1 Power.
Zabu422Ongoing: Your 4-Cost cards cost 1 less. (minimum 1)
Zero313On Reveal: Remove the abilities on the next card you play.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.

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