Retro City Rampage Sells Better On PSN Than XBLA Or Steam

The indie developer behind the hit 8-bit style game tweets its success.

It’s been a long time coming for Retro City Rampage, the 8-bit take on the Grand Theft Auto regime, but the game finally arrived for various platforms last year, and is set to make its debut on the Wiiware service this week, complete with the “prototype” version.  But you’d be surprised which one is selling the most.

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Developer Brian Provinciano tweeted on his account that the PlayStation Network version of RCR actually sold better than either the Steam or Xbox Live Arcade editions – a bit of a surprise.  “Indies should definitely jump onto the PS Vita,” he tweeted.  “RCR’s sold much more on PSN than XBLA and more on PS Vita than even PS3.”

Granted, the game’s entry in Sony’s Instant Game Collection, offered free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, probably helped a bit, but Provinciano’s comments didn’t include those versions.  “Steam’s done far better than XBLA too,” he stated.  “but PSN has still done the best.”

If you haven’t checked the game out yet, we highly suggest doing so.  It’s a blast from the past, and the 80’s references will definitely keep you chuckling.

Retro City Rampage is available now for Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam, and, again, coming to WiiWare this week.

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