Little Nightmares DLC2 Walkthrough – The Hideaway

A complete walkthrough of The Hideaway, including all five Flotsam bottles.

The Hideaway, Little Nightmares DLC 2, is finally available. Similar to the first DLC, this walkthrough of The Hideaway DLC includes the locations of all five Flotsam bottles, the collectible items in DLC2. If you’re having trouble with The Hideaway, be sure to read through our complete walkthrough below, or check out our video walkthrough coming very soon!

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Little Nightmares DLC2 Walkthrough – The Hideaway

Once you drop down at the beginning of the DLC, head to the right until you reach a closed door. Scare the Nome in the background until it gets stuck in the door. Pull the Nome out of the crack in the door and give it a hug.

Now pick up the Nome and toss it at the door handle to open the door so you can proceed into the next room. Make sure the Nome continues to follow you throughout the next few rooms. If he stops, simply give him another hug and he will start following you again.

Move into the next room and pick up the Nome again. This time toss the Nome on top of the boxes in the middle of the room (near the foreground). Climb up on the boxes and drop down on the right. The Nome will follow you down. Now pick up the Nome once again and toss it up to the handle hanging from the ceiling near the back of the room. This opens the doorway to the right so you can continue on your way.

With the Nome still following you, walk up to the suitcase on the right side of the room and push it into the background. This reveals a hole in the wall that allows you to proceed. In the next room, toss the Nome onto the table in the background.

The Nome will walk over to the right side of the table. Now head to the right side of the room and open the right-most drawer of the fallen drawers. This releases another Nome. Toss him up to where the first Nome is waiting and together they will push the suitcase onto the floor.

Free the Nome in the cage, then climb up the boxes to the far left to reach the hatch that leads into the previous room. Collect the Flotsam bottle near the foreground, then drop down the hatch and go back into the room on the right. With the help of all three Nomes, push open the door to the far right and continue into the next room.

Move through the next room and continue to the right to find all of the Nomes stop in front of a furnace. Climb up onto the chair to the right of the furnace and pull the handle to open the furnace door. This causes the Nomes to start throwing coal into the furnace, lowering the ladder near the entrance you just came through.

Climb up the ladder, then circle around the background to reach the second ladder on the right. Climb up the second ladder. When you reach the top, head into the room to the left, but don’t go up the stairs yet.

Look under the stairs to find another Flotsam bottle, then make your way up the stairs. There’s a letter block (children’s toy) on the floor in the room to the left. This block is sitting on loose floor boards. Jump up and down on these loose floor boards until they break under your feet and you fall into the crawl space below.

Stay in the crawl space and make your way through the vent to the left. Wait for the Janitor to move toward his workstation in the background, then jump through the hole in the floor and run to the room to the left. Slide under the shelves on the far left and wait there. The Janitor will look around the room a bit, and may even examine the shelves, but as long as you remain still at the bottom of the shelves, you’ll be fine.

When the Janitor moves back into the room to the right, quietly walk over to the counter on the right side of the room in the background. Jump on top of the counter and hit the switch on the wall to activate the power. Now move to the right and jump up to the hole that runs between the two rooms. Wait for the Janitor to move into the left room, then drop down into the right room and activate the buzzsaw at the Janitor’s workstation and hide in the left corner.

Once the Janitor heads back into the room with the workstation, quickly (and we mean quickly) run into the room on the left, jump onto the stand in the middle of the room and rotate the wheel until the doors to the left are completely open. Once that happens, jump through the doors and into the next room.

Make your way into the room to the right and jump on the table in the far right corner. There’s a Nome in a glass jar on the shelf above you. Jump up and down and the Nome will mimic your actions, eventually knocking the jar onto the floor and freeing himself. Hug the Nome, then head back into the room to the left with the Nome following you.

Walk over to the ladder hanging down from the ceiling and toss the Nome onto the ladder, dragging it down to the floor. Climb up the ladder to find a mine cart hanging from the ceiling. If you head through the opening to the left you’ll find a surveillance room where you can see Six moving around. When you’re ready, jump over to the mine car, wait until it floats to the right, then jump to the far right side of the room.

Rotate the wheel to lower the mine car, then use the crates in the background to safely move back to the left side of the room. Climb down the ladder and move the mine car to the far left side of the room. Climb onto the mine car and use it to reach the crates in the background. From the top of the crates you can reach the opening in the wall and drop down into the room to the left.

There’s another Flotsam bottle in this room, but you can’t reach it just yet. For now, head through the doorway to the left. Drop down into the pile of coal below and chase the Nome running through the coal. Use your sprint and hold down the grab button to make it a little easier. Once you hug the Nome, move up the mine car stuck in the coal (in the foreground) and toss the Nome over to the right where you just came from.

Jump over to the right and use the Nome to activate the large switch near the entrance to the room. This activate the conveyor belt. Step on the belt and jump onto the handle hanging from the ceiling to make your way across the coal. Jump down on the left side, then climb up the mine car in the foreground so you can reach the second lever and activate the next conveyor belt. This drops the second Nome into the coal below.

Drop back down into the coal and chase the second Nome, then toss him to the right like you did the first Nome. Move to the far right in the next room and toss one of the Nomes up to the lever that opens the door. This allows the third Nome to follow you so you should now have a total of three Nomes trailing you.

Head into the room to the right and push the mine car to the left, following the tracks. When you can’t push it any further, climb on top of the mine car and jump to the shelf just above. Move to the wall in the background and jump up to the higher shelf on the right to find another Flotsam bottle.

Now move the mine car back to the right, and make sure you have all three Nomes with you so you can push it up the small incline in the next room. Continue to push the mine car until you reach the room where the Nome was once trapped in the glass jar. Stop the mine car in front of the shelf full of boxes and climb on top of the mine car, then jump over to the boxes.

Climb up the boxes to the top of the shelf, then jump to the right and climb through the hole in the wall on the far right. Move across the shelf to the far right and safely drop down until you’re back on the floor. Climb up the crate on the left side of the room and pull the lever on the wall to open the door. Go back into the room to the left and push the mine car as far right as you can. This causes the mine car to go crashing through the next doorway, opening the path.

You’re now back in a familiar area. Walk over the trap door in the floor so the Nomes stand on the trap door, then climb up through the hole to the right. Climb back down the ladder in the furnace room, then head through the doorway to the left. Climb the chair in the background and jump to reach the lever and drop the Nomes into the room.

The door on the far right side of the furnace room is open. Head through the doorway and into a room with another large pile of coal. There’s a Nome standing on top of the coal who runs into a small hatch on the left side of the room. Open the hatch to reveal the Nome, then hug him. There’s a second Nome in the knocked over mine car near the right side of the coal pile. Pull him out and give him a hug as well.

Climb up the ladder and into the hatch on the right side of the room. In the background of this room there’s a small pile of coal to the right of a switch on the wall. Climb on top of the coal to get some height, then jump over to the switch. This opens the hatch on the back wall near the center of the room, but your objective is the light that gets knocked onto the floor. While you can just use your flashlight, the light from the generator illuminates the ground a bit better.

Pick up the light and make your way into the room to the right. Be careful in this room as the Janitor lurks near the right side. Watch out for the smaller pieces of coal on the ground as they will make a noise when you walk over them and alert the Janitor. If you stay close to the background or background, you can tip-toe (not run or walk) right past the Janitor and he won’t find you.

When you reach the room to the right, your objective is to make it to the stairs in the background near the left side of the room. There are more small pieces of coal on the ground, but you can avoid them by going under the table in the middle of the room.

While the easiest route is to simply drop the light, turn on your flashlight and just make a run for the stairs, if you circle around to the left side of the stairs you can get under them to find another Flotsam bottle awaits you. Collect that, then head up the stairs and circle around to the top of the stairs before jumping across the mine cars to reach the room to the right.

In the next room, open the locker on the far right side and pull out the stool inside. Now open the locker near the left side of the room and place the stool directly in front of it. Climb on top of the stool, then jump on the shelves at the top of the locker and make your way to the top. Move to the right and jump over to the hanging light to swing over to the far right side and climb through the small opening.

Jump across to the grating on the right side of the next area and start climbing down. When you reach the hole on the left side, jump across to it and climb into the tunnel. In the next room there are several broken lights on the floor and one that’s still working high up on a shelf. You’ve now looped back around to the room where the Janitor was lurking (in the next room to the left), which is still pitch black.

Before you head to the left, pull out the file cabinets, climb up and jump over to the shelf to grab the light. Pick up one of the broken lights on the floor and throw it up at the button near the door to the left to open the door. Collect the working light and slowly make your way across the dark room, retracting your steps. Once again, watch out for the small pieces of coal on the ground as they will alert the Janitor to your presence.

Continue all the way to the left (not up the stairs) until you reach the room where you picked up the first light. Insert the light you’ve been carrying into the generator, along with the working light on the floor of this room and the left to the left will activate (pull the lever if you haven’t already). Climb into the lift to reach the next floor.

Go through the small opening in the right corner in the background (under the table) to reach the room to the right. Open the shaking drawer in the knocked over filing cabinet near the middle of the room to release a Nome that you can hug to make it follow you. The second Nome runs to the foreground on the right side of the first pile of boxes, near the entrance. Before you climb up the filing cabinet where you found the Nomes, make sure the moving stand in the middle of the room is all the way to the right. It will still move left and right, but you want to make sure it starts on the far right side.

Now climb up the filing cabinets to reach the table to the right, then climb up the drawers in the background until you can make your way to the left near the very top of the drawers. Carefully move across the beams to find another Flotsam bottle on the rafters near the entrance to the room. Head back down to the third row of drawers and go as far to the right as you can. This places you above the stand that’s moving back and forth in the middle of the room.

Drop down to the stand and use it to reach the table to the right. Hug the Nome then drop down to the floor and go back to the far left near the entrance. You should now have three Nomes following you. Move over to the hanging handle near the entrance on the left and toss each of the Nomes up to the handle.

Move the box of files into the small opening the doorway to the left. Walk into the room to the left and wait for the Nomes to follow. Now toss all three Nomes into the lift before you climb in yourself. Once you get back to the previous floor, toss one of the Nomes at the switch near the door on the left.

Head left until you reach the furnace and the Nomes with you will join the other Nomes to fully activate the furnace. This starts the vertical lift in the background. Climb onto the lift as it takes you to the room above. Make sure you jump off before you get tossed in the second furnace. Head right and climb up the laundry to reach the next room, then walk toward the suitcase until a Nome appears in the background.

Several Nomes will appear and move the suitcase out of the way revealing a small hole you can crawl through. There are many Nomes in the next room, and if you look closely you’ll see that they have the shadows of children, meaning that the Nomes are actually the children, as we discussed in our Little Nightmares ending explained video.

Make your way to the far right and climb onto the table so you can go through the small opening. Continue moving right through the next opening until you’re on top of the elevator. This concludes The Hideaway DLC. You can find more on the game in our Little Nightmares game hub!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.

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